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Setting up your unix environment for development

ahmedhagii edited this page Apr 20, 2014 · 4 revisions

Ubuntu users only: Step 0

Open a terminal window, open the edit menu and click on Profiles as shown:

Choose the Default profile and click on Edit as shown:

Go to the Title and Command tab. Check the box next to "Run command as a login shell" as shown:

Close the profiles window and the terminal window you just opened or you will receive errors with RVM.

Now open a new terminal window and enter the following commands

Step 1: Updating sources and installing git

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install git curl git-core

Step 2: Installing RVM (Ruby Version Manager)

curl -L | bash -s stable

source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm

Step 3: Installing Ruby 2.1.0

rvm autolibs enable

rvm requirements

rvm install 2.1.0

rvm --default use 2.1.0

rvm rubygems current

Step 4: Installing Rails 4.0.4 and updating Bundler

gem install --no-doc --no-ri rails -v "= 4.0.4"

gem install bundler -v '= 1.5.1'

Step 5: Downloading the Node.js JavaScript runtime environment

sudo apt-get install nodejs