aioddd is an async Python DDD utilities library.
Use the package manager pip to install aioddd.
pip install aioddd
- Visit aioddd docs.
from asyncio import get_event_loop
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Type
from aioddd import NotFoundError, \
Command, CommandHandler, SimpleCommandBus, \
Query, QueryHandler, OptionalResponse, SimpleQueryBus, Event
_products = []
class ProductStored(Event):
class Attributes:
ref: str
attributes: Attributes
class StoreProductCommand(Command):
def __init__(self, ref: str):
self.ref = ref
class StoreProductCommandHandler(CommandHandler):
def subscribed_to(self) -> Type[Command]:
return StoreProductCommand
async def handle(self, command: StoreProductCommand) -> None:
class ProductNotFoundError(NotFoundError):
_code = 'product_not_found'
_title = 'Product not found'
class FindProductQuery(Query):
def __init__(self, ref: str):
self.ref = ref
class FindProductQueryHandler(QueryHandler):
def subscribed_to(self) -> Type[Query]:
return FindProductQuery
async def handle(self, query: FindProductQuery) -> OptionalResponse:
if query.ref != '123':
raise ProductNotFoundError.create(detail={'ref': query.ref})
return {'ref': query.ref}
async def main() -> None:
commands_bus = SimpleCommandBus([StoreProductCommandHandler()])
await commands_bus.dispatch(StoreProductCommand('123'))
query_bus = SimpleQueryBus([FindProductQueryHandler()])
response = await query_bus.ask(FindProductQuery('123'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
- Python >= 3.9
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.