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add builds map to pipeline state
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thatportugueseguy committed Dec 6, 2024
1 parent 0b27d0b commit cb21c1e
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Showing 4 changed files with 158 additions and 6 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions lib/
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Expand Up @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ module Action (Github_api : Api.Github) (Slack_api : Api.Slack) = struct
if notify_dm then begin
match%lwt Slack_api.lookup_user ~ctx ~cfg () with
| Ok res ->
State.set_repo_pipeline_commit ctx.state repo.url ~pipeline ~commit:n.sha;
State.set_repo_pipeline_commit ctx.state n;
(* To send a DM, channel parameter is set to the user id of the recipient *)
Lwt.return [ Slack_user_id.to_channel_id ]
| Error e ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ module Action (Github_api : Api.Github) (Slack_api : Api.Slack) = struct
else Lwt.return []
State.set_repo_pipeline_status ctx.state repo.url ~pipeline n;
State.set_repo_pipeline_status_new ctx.state n;
Lwt.return recipients

let partition_commit_comment (ctx : Context.t) n =
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33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions lib/state.atd
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Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,38 @@ type user_id = string wrap <ocaml t="Common.Slack_user_id.t" wrap="Common.Slack_
type channel_id = string wrap <ocaml t="Common.Slack_channel.Ident.t" wrap="Common.Slack_channel.Ident.inject" unwrap="Common.Slack_channel.Ident.project">
type any_channel = string wrap <ocaml t="Common.Slack_channel.Any.t" wrap="Common.Slack_channel.Any.inject" unwrap="Common.Slack_channel.Any.project">

type ci_commit_new = {
sha: string;
author: string;
commit_message: string;

type failed_step = {
name: string;
build_link: string option;

type build_status_new = {
status: status_state;
build_number: string;
build_link: string option;
commit: ci_commit_new;
is_finished: bool;
failed_steps: failed_step list;
created_at: string;
finished_at: string nullable;

(* A map from builds numbers to build statuses *)
type build_statuses = build_status_new map_as_object

(* A map from branch names to [build_statuses] maps *)
type branch_statuses_new = build_statuses map_as_object

(* A map from pipeline names to [branch_statuses] maps.
This tracks the last build state matched by the status_rules for each pipeline and branch *)
type pipeline_statuses_new = branch_statuses_new map_as_object

type ci_commit = {
sha: string;
author: string;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,6 +80,7 @@ type slack_threads = slack_thread list map_as_object

(* The runtime state of a given GitHub repository *)
type repo_state = {
~pipeline_statuses_new <ocaml mutable default="Common.StringMap.empty">: pipeline_statuses_new;
~pipeline_statuses <ocaml mutable default="Common.StringMap.empty">: pipeline_statuses;
~pipeline_commits <ocaml mutable default="Common.StringMap.empty">: pipeline_commits;
~slack_threads <ocaml mutable default="Common.StringMap.empty">: slack_threads;
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90 changes: 86 additions & 4 deletions lib/
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Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,12 @@ let log = Log.from "state"
type t = { state : State_t.state }

let empty_repo_state () : State_t.repo_state =
{ pipeline_statuses = StringMap.empty; pipeline_commits = StringMap.empty; slack_threads = StringMap.empty }
pipeline_statuses_new = StringMap.empty;
pipeline_statuses = StringMap.empty;
pipeline_commits = StringMap.empty;
slack_threads = StringMap.empty;

let empty () : t =
let state = State_t.{ repos = Stringtbl.empty (); bot_user_id = None } in
Expand All @@ -23,6 +28,77 @@ let find_or_add_repo' state repo_url =
let set_repo_state { state } repo_url repo_state = Stringtbl.replace state.repos repo_url repo_state
let find_or_add_repo { state } repo_url = find_or_add_repo' state repo_url

let set_repo_pipeline_status_new { state } (n : Github_t.status_notification) =
let target_url = Option.get n.target_url in
let context = n.context in
let { Util.Build.is_pipeline_step; pipeline_name }, build_number =
( Util.Build.parse_context ~context ~build_url:target_url,
Util.Build.get_build_number ~context ~build_url:target_url )
| Ok context, Ok build_number -> context, build_number
| Error msg, _ | _, Error msg -> failwith msg
let init_build_state =
(* TODO: handle getting a notification for a step before we get the notification for build started. (edge case).
What would happen is that the build status is created with the "wrong" state and with empty failing steps *)
State_t.status = n.state;
build_link = n.target_url;
commit = { sha = n.sha; author =; commit_message = n.commit.commit.message };
is_finished = false;
failed_steps = [];
created_at = n.updated_at;
finished_at = None;
let update_build_status builds_map build_number =
match StringMap.find_opt build_number builds_map with
| Some (current_build_status : State_t.build_status_new) ->
let is_finished = is_pipeline_step = false && (n.state = Success || n.state = Failure || n.state = Error) in
let finished_at = if is_finished then Some n.updated_at else None in
let failed_steps =
if is_pipeline_step && n.state = Failure then
{ = n.context; build_link = n.target_url } :: current_build_status.failed_steps
else current_build_status.failed_steps
{ current_build_status with status = n.state; is_finished; finished_at; failed_steps }
| None -> init_build_state
let update_branch_status branches_statuses =
let current_statuses = Option.default StringMap.empty branches_statuses in
let updated_statuses =
(fun (branch : Github_t.branch) ->
let builds_map =
(fun branches_statuses ->
match StringMap.find_opt branches_statuses with
| Some builds_map ->
let updated_status = update_build_status builds_map build_number in
StringMap.add build_number updated_status builds_map
| None -> StringMap.singleton build_number init_build_state)
(StringMap.singleton build_number init_build_state)
in, builds_map)
Some (List.fold_left (fun m (key, data) -> StringMap.add key data m) current_statuses updated_statuses)
let repo_state = find_or_add_repo' state n.repository.url in
match n.state with
| Success ->
(* if the build/step is successful, we remove it from the state to avoid the file to grow too much.
We only clean up on the whole pipeline, not on individual steps *)
(* TODO: what do we want here? Should it be taken care of by another function? *)
if not is_pipeline_step then
repo_state.pipeline_statuses_new <- StringMap.remove pipeline_name repo_state.pipeline_statuses_new
| _ ->
repo_state.pipeline_statuses_new <-
StringMap.update pipeline_name update_branch_status repo_state.pipeline_statuses_new

let set_repo_pipeline_status { state } repo_url ~pipeline (notification : Github_t.status_notification) =
let branches = notification.branches in
let set_branch_status per_branch_statuses =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,12 +162,18 @@ let set_repo_pipeline_status { state } repo_url ~pipeline (notification : Github
repo_state.pipeline_statuses <- StringMap.remove pipeline repo_state.pipeline_statuses
| _ -> repo_state.pipeline_statuses <- StringMap.update pipeline set_branch_status repo_state.pipeline_statuses

let set_repo_pipeline_commit { state } repo_url ~pipeline ~commit =
let set_repo_pipeline_commit { state } (n : Github_t.status_notification) =
let rotation_threshold = 1000 in
let repo_state = find_or_add_repo' state repo_url in
let repo_state = find_or_add_repo' state n.repository.url in
let pipeline =
(* We only need to track messages for the base pipeline, not the steps *)
match Util.Build.parse_context ~context:n.context ~build_url:(Option.get n.target_url) with
| Ok { Util.Build.pipeline_name; _ } -> pipeline_name
| Error _ -> n.context
let set_commit commits =
let { State_t.s1; s2 } = Option.default { State_t.s1 = StringSet.empty; s2 = StringSet.empty } commits in
let s1 = StringSet.add commit s1 in
let s1 = StringSet.add n.sha s1 in
let s1, s2 = if StringSet.cardinal s1 > rotation_threshold then StringSet.empty, s1 else s1, s2 in
Some { State_t.s1; s2 }
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37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions lib/
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Expand Up @@ -28,8 +28,45 @@ let sign_string_sha256 ~key ~basestring =
Cstruct.of_string basestring |> Nocrypto.Hash.SHA256.hmac ~key:(Cstruct.of_string key) |> Hex.of_cstruct |>

module Build = struct
type pipeline_check = {
is_pipeline_step : bool;
pipeline_name : string;

let buildkite_is_failed_re = Re2.create_exn {|^Build #\d+ failed|}

let parse_context ~context ~build_url =
let rec get_name context build_url =
match String.length context with
| 0 -> Error "failed to get pipeline name from notification"
| _ when Devkit.Stre.exists build_url (context ^ "/") ->
(* We need to add the "/" to context to avoid partial matches between the context and the build_url *)
Ok context
| _ ->
(* Matches the notification context against the build_url to get the base pipeline name.
Drop path levels from the context until we find a match with the build_url. This is the base name. *)
match String.rindex_opt context '/' with
| Some idx -> get_name (String.sub context 0 idx) build_url
| None -> Error "failed to get pipeline name from notification"
(* if we have a buildkit pipeline, we need to strip the `buildkite/` prefix to get the real name *)
let context' = Stre.drop_prefix context "buildkite/" in
let pipeline_name = get_name context' build_url in (fun pipeline_name -> { is_pipeline_step = pipeline_name <> context'; pipeline_name }) pipeline_name

let get_build_number ~context ~build_url =
match parse_context ~context ~build_url with
| Error msg -> Error msg
| Ok { pipeline_name; _ } ->
(* build urls are in the form of .../<base_pipeline_name>/builds/<build_number>.
Pipeline steps have an html anchor after the build number *)
let re = Re2.create_exn (Printf.sprintf ".*/%s/builds/(\\d+)#?" pipeline_name) in
(match Re2.find_submatches_exn re build_url with
| [| _; Some build_number |] -> Ok build_number
| _ | (exception _) ->
(* we either match on the first case or get an exception. *)
Error "failed to get build number from url")

let is_failed_build (n : Github_t.status_notification) =
n.state = Failure && Re2.matches buildkite_is_failed_re (Option.default "" n.description)

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