A Photo Album app where I could view images using the Picsum.photos API
As a user, you can:
- View a wall of pictures from Picsum, laid out as what is usually called a masonry layout;
- The aspect ratio of the images is preserved.
- At the end of the wall, there is a Load More button that to click to show more pictures from Picsum.
- No two pictures in the wall are the same file.
- Hover on a picture to make it bigger;
- With an animation while becoming bigger or returning to its previous size.
- Click on a picture and have it shown on another page;
- The other page is showing the picture and its author.
- Clicking the browser's back button takes me back to the wall of pictures.
After cloning the repository, refer to the project folder and:
- Install the needed packages to run the app:
npm install
- Run the app in the development mode:
npm start
Implemented with [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]