This is an ARM Assembly Compiler interpretation for the MiniJava Language, a subset of Java by Oracle. The meaning of a MiniJava program is given by its meaning as a Java program. Overloading is not allowed in MiniJava.
$ git clone
$ make
$ make clean
This will type check, analyze, compile, and produce an ARM Assembly Equivalent file as output.
$ mjavac
Not every machine supports ARM Assembly by default. Raspberry Pi does support it. The ARM Assembly output file must be assembled and then executed to see proper output.
class Factorial{
public static void main(String[] a){
System.out.println(new Fac().ComputeFac(10));
class Fac {
public int ComputeFac(int num){
int num_aux ;
if (num < 1)
num_aux = 1 ;
num_aux = num * (this.ComputeFac(num-1)) ;
return num_aux ;
One or more of the technologies below may need to be installed during setup.
- C
- C++
- Flex
- Bison
- ARM Assembly
Program ::= MainClass ( ClassDeclaration )*
MainClass ::= "class" Identifier "{" "public" "static" "void" "main" "(" "String" "[" "]" Identifier ")" "{" Statement "}" "}"
ClassDeclaration ::= "class" Identifier ( "extends" Identifier )? "{" ( VarDeclaration )* ( MethodDeclaration )* "}"
VarDeclaration ::= Type Identifier ";"
MethodDeclaration ::= "public" Type Identifier "(" ( Type Identifier ( "," Type Identifier )* )? ")" "{" ( VarDeclaration )* ( Statement )* "return" Expression ";" "}"
Type ::= "int" "[" "]" | "boolean" | "int" | Identifier
Statement ::= "{" ( Statement )* "}" | "if" "(" Expression ")" Statement "else" Statement | "while" "(" Expression ")" Statement | "System.out.println" "(" Expression ")" ";" | Identifier "=" Expression ";" | Identifier "[" Expression "]" "=" Expression ";"
Expression ::= Expression ( "&&" | "<" | "+" | "-" | "" ) Expression | Expression "[" Expression "]" | Expression "." "length" | Expression "." Identifier "(" ( Expression ( "," Expression ) )? ")" | INTEGER_LITERAL | "true" | "false" | Identifier | "this" | "new" "int" "[" Expression "]" | "new" Identifier "(" ")" | "!" Expression | "(" Expression ")"
Identifier ::= IDENTIFIER
Note: These MiniJava grammar rules are from and may share or not share similarities with this MiniJava Compiler.