An active scaffold addon to let it export data in CSV or XLSX format
Easy. First get active scaffold if you haven't yet. Then, add this to your Gemfile:
gem 'active_scaffold_export'
If you want xlsx format, add:
gem 'caxlsx_rails'
If that gem is present, XLSX will be used by default. You can change this by adding to active scaffold config:
conf.export.default_file_format = 'csv' # or 'xlsx'
Read important notes at the bottom about xlsx.
Remember to bundle install. Add to application.css:
*= require active_scaffold_export
Now let's add it to controller, inside active_scaffold config block:
conf.actions.add :export
# you can filter or sort columns if you want
conf.export.columns = %w(name last_name phone address)
# you can define a default values for the exporting form
conf.export.default_deselected_columns = %w(phone address)
conf.export.default_delimiter = ";"
conf.export.force_quotes = "true"
And enjoy happy exporting :)
It's controlled the same way as Active Scaffold. The extra actions added are:
- :show_export for the options form
- :export for retrieving the data Tested with AS internal security and Cancan
Go in the same active scaffold scope:
columns_for_export: Columnas para exportar
export_options: Opciones de exportación
this_page: esta página
all_pages: todas las páginas
This support depends on caxlsx_rails and caxlsx of course.
header styling override will be added soon.
NOTE: There's NO streaming support for xlsx format. Only CSV. So if your data is huge, set default_file_format to 'csv' instead.
Streaming in xlsx will never be supported since the entire file needs to be serialized and zipped to be a valid OOXML file.
So, rather than streaming, background jobs will be the most likely future approach.
Read axlsx issue about this
The sheet name is generated from conf.label, replacing forbidden chars with '-' and truncated to 31. The generated name can be changed defining workseet_name method in the controller, and calling super with options for truncate String method, and :replace option to use other character, e.g.
def worksheet_name(options = {})
super replace: '_', omission: ''
For contact, help, support, comments, please use Active Scaffold official mailing list [email protected]