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Release 15.1.0

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@github-actions github-actions released this 23 Jan 02:31
  • Update the NuGet API key

  • Merge pull request #897 from EdwardCooke/ec-net80-enumsasnumbers
    Enables #773
    Adds naming conventions for convert enums to/from scalars
    Adds .NET8 binaries
    Adds support for custom formatting of enums, easy to expose enums as integers or whatever else.
    Quotes necessary enum strings (Null for example)
    Breaking: For those that get impacted pass in NullNamingConvention.Instance to the EnumNamingConvetion arguments on the constructor
    Breaking: Removed many of the redundant constructors for the classes, pass in the old default values to the new constructors

  • Merge pull request #898 from EdwardCooke/ec-removeoldframeworks
    Breaking: Removes old frameworks, .net35, .net45

  • Merge pull request #895 from stijnherreman/issue-677
    Make the type converters available to custom pre-processing phase visitors.

  • Merge pull request #899 from EdwardCooke/ec-includenet80
    Added .net8 libraries to appveyor

  • Merge pull request #887 from dougbu/dougbu/blank.lines.886
    Handle blank lines in Yaml.Text()