Gloss hides the pain of drawing simple vector graphics behind a nice data type and a few display functions.
Home page and bug tracker are on a separate site.
Getting something on the screen is as easy as:
import Graphics.Gloss
main = display (InWindow "Nice Window" (200, 200) (10, 10)) white (Circle 80)
Once the window is open you can use the following:
- Quit - esc-key.
- Move Viewport - left-click drag, arrow keys.
- Rotate Viewport - right-click drag, control-left-click drag, or home/end-keys.
- Zoom Viewport - mouse wheel, or page up/down-keys.
- Animations and simulations can be constructed similarly using the 'animate' and 'simulate' functions
- Games with user input can be constructed with the 'play' function.
- See the gloss-examples package for more.