I'm just gonna dump some of my projects in here. They might be new, they might be old, they might be shit, they might be gold.
I tend to overcomplicate projects a lot but hopefully someone will get some use out of them. Either as a learning/teaching tool (mostly learning what not to do), or inspiration for your future projects. I'm gonna be honest, I'm either gonna be working on stuff constantly, or not make any changes for months at a time. There is no in-between.
I'm in my late 20's. Been "programming" on and off for over a decade, but only recently started getting into it consistently.
I start a project with an idea, then think about it until the idea becomes the center of my existence. Then I'll start actually working on it. If I get an idea in my head, and I believe it is even remotely possible, I will pursue that goal until the end of time, until I stop making progress, or until I get bored. Whichever comes first.
Likes: long walks around my room, pigeons, rooms that are quiet but not silent, Physics, SciFi, programming, setting unrealistic goals, and achieving them.
Dislikes: change, greed, repetition, myself, repetition, irony, seafood, people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.
I like learning new concepts and building things. I'm allergic to reusing code. Reasonably fast learner. I know a little about a lot of things. I'll probably never be an expert in anything. But for now, I'm satisfied being a jack of 3 - 7 strangely specific trades.
Tism'd out the wazoo.
It's not perfect and there are easier ways to do most things. I randomly dislike and ignore certain features, on purpose (Looking at you, GDScript @export), so if I'm avoiding something, I either loathe the feature or don't know it exists. It's a fatal flaw.
Mostly program using GDScript, but might return to Python and C# if I ever find a practical limitation in Godot. It'll just depend on whatever I'm interested in at the time.
Most of the code here will probably just be for use as examples, but the licences will indicate what you can and can't use, where and when.
I'll add an entry when I lose interest in a subject. It doesn't mean I'll never do it again, just that I moved on to something else.
- RPGs (Roleplaying games, not the other kind.)
- Stone Age tech
- Survivalist techniques
- Space Age tech
- Card Games
- Dinosaurs
- The Alien franchise
- Apollo missions
- Space Stations
- Maths
- Trigonometry
- Calculus
- Complex Numbers
- Fractals
- Archiving and data compression techniques.
- Audio and Video file formats
These are just previous ones at the time of writing. They'll be more stable from here.. maybe.
- SVG files and Vector images