5.9.0 RC1
- Allow grouping/ungrouping blocks using the Group block.
- Improve the selection of inner blocks: Clickthrough selection.
- Introduce the snackbar notices and use them for the save success notices.
- Use consistent colors in the different menus items.
- Consolidate the different dropdown menus to use the DropdownMenu component.
- Expand the prefered-reduced-motion support to all the animations.
- Add a subtle animation to the snackbar notices and provide new React hooks for media queries.
- Redesign the Table block placeholder.
- Always show the side inserter on the last empty paragraph block.
- Widgets Screen:
- Add the in progress state to the save button.
- Add the RichText Format Library.
- Improve the Group and Ungroup icons.
- The Spacer block clears all the previous floated blocks.
Bug Fixes
- Focus the Button block’s input upon creation.
- Prevent Embed block crashes when used inside locked containers.
- Properly center the default appender placeholder.
- Correct default appender icon transition jump in Safari.
- Only apply appender margins when the appender is inside of a block.
- Avoid loading reusable blocks editor styles in the frontend.
- Correct position of the "Remove Featured Image" button on small screens.
- Allow the legacy widget block to render core widgets.
- A11y:
- Fix wrong tab order in the data picker component.
- Remove the access keyboard shortcuts from the Format Library.
- Bail early in createUpgradedEmbedBlock for invalid block types.
- Fix DateTimePicker styles when used outside the WordPress context.
- Prevent the Spacer block from being deselected when resized.
- Remove the word breaking from the Media & Text block.
- Keep the seconds value untouched when editing dates using the DateTimePicker component.
- Fix tooltips styles specificity.
- Fix php errors happening when calling get_current_screen.
- Introduce useSelect and useDispatch hooks to the data module.
- Adding embedded performance tests to the repository.
- Support the full plugin release process in the automated release tool.
- Speed up the packages build tool script and the Gutenberg plugin build config.
- Extract media upload logic part into a new @wordpress/media-utils package.
- Introduce Milestone-It Github Action to auto-assign milestones to merged PRs.
- Move the transformStyles function to the block-editor package to use in the widgets screen.
- Allow plugin authors to override the default anchor attribute definition.
- Add overlayColor classname to cover blocks editor markup.
- Skip downloading chromium when building the plugin zip.
- Add an e2e test to check the heading colors feature.
- Lint the ESlint config file (meta).
- Fix i18n ESlint rules and use them in the Gutenberg setup.
- Fix error in the plugin release tool when switching branches.
- Remove unused stylesheet file.
- Improve the setup of the WordPress packages package.json files.
- Remove the use of popular plugins in e2e tests.
- Ignore linting files located in build folders by default.
- Add default file patterns for the lint command of @wordpress/scripts.
- Extract the ServerSideRender component to an independent package.
- Refactor the HoverArea component as a React Hook instead.
- Remove useless dependency from the @wordpress/edit-post package.
- Deprecate components/selectors and actions moved to the editor package.
- Update browserslist dependency.
- Document the remaining APIs of the data module.
- Add an ESNext example to the i18n docs.
- Fix inline docs and add tests for color utils.
- Document missing MenuItem prop.
- Typos and tweaks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
- Fix caret position when splitting text blocks.
- Fix the initial value of the “Open in New Tab” toggle.
- Fix Video block crash on drawing on Android.
- Fix caret position after inline paste.
- Focus the RichText component on block mount.
- Port KeyboardAvoidingView, KeyboardAwareFlatList and ReadableContentView to the @wordpress/components package.
- Fix press of Enter on post title.
- Move the native unit tests to the Gutenberg repository.
- Improve the styling of the Quote block.
- Share RichText line separator logic between web and native implementations.
- Fix Video block showing a black background when upload is in progress or upload has failed.
- Allow passing a style prop to the Icon component.
- Enable sound on the Video block.
- Start playback immediately after video goes full screen.
- Fix mobile quotes insertion and removal of empty lines.
- Move unselected block accessibility handling to block-holder.
- Make the More block ready-only.
- Fix crash when deleting all content of RichText based block.
- Fix for extra BR tag on Title field on Android.
- Open Video, Quote and More blocks to public.