The project show how a Studio frontend plugin hosted on an external server can securely communicate with the Studio Server
- Initialise project: npm update
- Run project locally: npm run start
- Release project: npm run build
Assuming the project is running locally configure the following URL in the Studio management console in the Plugins->Studio section
Please update the integrationUrl in loader.js if the integration is hosted somewhere else
The loader will add a button / link to the Dossier interface called "External integration" to open the projects modal dialog
This sample is deployed via GitHub actions to GitHub pages, this is for illustration purposes. For production purposes deploy to a location like AWS or Azure.
In the case of Same Origin Policy errors please verify the Access-Control-Allow-Origin and Access-Control-Allow-Method settings on the service hosting the loader.js.
- The Access-Control-Allow-Origin should be set to the domain of the Studio webclient or be set to *
- The Access-Control-Allow-Methods should be set to "GET,POST,OPTIONS,DELETE,PUT"