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VS Code W3C Validation extention


The extension to enable W3C validation support by the Nu Html Checker library.

Getting Started

This extention works using Java applications. You must have Java 8 or later on your local environment. If you don't have them installed, download and install a latest Java Development Kit (latest Java 8 is the minimum requirement).

After installing (or installed) the JDK, you would need to configure the Java execution path for your environment. Please restart the VS Code in order to load reliably the changed environment variables.

Then open your HTML document(s).

Setting the JDK

The path to the JDK requires to be set in the environment.

Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable:

For Windows:

  1. Select Control Panel and then System.
  2. Click Advanced and then Environment Variables.
  3. Click New in the section System Variables
  4. Enter the Variable name as JAVA_HOME and the Variable value as the installation path for the Java (e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-13).
  5. Click OK
  6. Find the PATH environment variable in the System Variables section and select it, click Edit.
  7. Append ;%JAVA_HOME%\bin for the PATH variable
  8. Click OK and also click OK


After launching the VC code, it will take some time for the results to be displayed if the HTML is invalid.