Takes care of config-forms. No more tedious creation of view-files needed. Just give it your model and a few hints on how your attributes should be presented. The simplest model-file could look like
namespace ME\humhub\modules\MYMODULE\models;
class AdminModel extends \themroc\humhub\modules\modhelper\models\AdminForm
const MH_API= 1;
public $some_text;
The Controller:
namespace ME\humhub\modules\MYMODULE\controllers;
use Yii;
use humhub\modules\admin\components\Controller;
use themroc\humhub\modules\modhelper\behaviors\MhAdminController;
use ME\humhub\modules\MYMODULE\models\AdminForm;
class AdminController extends Controller
public $adminOnly= true;
public $isTabbed= true;
public $modelClass= AdminForm::class;
public function init ()
if (null != Yii::$app->getModule('mod-helper'))
$this->attachBehavior('MhAdmin', new MhAdminController());
return parent::init();
public function actionIndex ()
if (null == Yii::$app->getModule('mod-helper'))
return $this->render('error', [
'msg'=> 'Please install and activate the <a href="https://github.com/Themroc/humhub_mod-helper" target="_blank">Mod-Helper plugin</a>.',
return $this->MHactionIndex();
In that case, a configure-form with one string field labeled "Some Text" and a "save"-button will be rendered. When clicked, the content of $some_text will be saved in table "setting".
Usually though, a bit more configuration will be needed. Like,
namespace ME\humhub\modules\MYMODULE\models;
use humhub\modules\ui\form\widgets\IconPicker;
class AdminModel extends \themroc\humhub\modules\modhelper\models\AdminForm
const MH_API= 1;
public $icon;
public $text_enable;
public $some_text;
protected $vars= [
'icon'=> [
'label'=> 'Select icon',
'trans'=> 'UiModule.form',
'form'=> ['type'=> 'widget', 'class'=> IconPicker::class],
'text_enable'=> [
'prefix'=> '<div class="some-box">',
'label'=> 'Show useless text field',
'rules'=> ['in', 'range'=> [0, 1]],
'form'=> ['type'=> 'checkbox'],
'some_text'=> [
'label'=> 'Some random text',
'hints'=> 'Type in whatever you like, it will be ignored anyway.',
'form'=> ['visible'=> ['text_enable'=> 1]],
'suffix'=> '</div>',
This will give an icon picker and box containing a string field that can be hidden. Plus the usual "save"-button, of course. More examples can be found in https://github.com/Themroc/humhub_iframe/blob/master/models/AdminForm.php.
Possible config options are:
'_'=> object = Yii::$app->getModule()
'settings'=> object = Yii::$app->getModule()->settings
'id'=> string = Yii::$app->controller->module->id
'name'=> string If unset, = ucfirst(mod['id'])
'trans'=> string Translation category. If unset, derived from mod['id'].
See https://docs.humhub.org/docs/develop/i18n/
'options'=> [
'tab_attr'=> string Attribute name whose content selects a tab
'tab_sort'=> mixed If string: Attribute name whose content determines tab order
If callable: `function ($tab_list)` returns sorted tab list
'form'=> [
'btn_pre'=> string Will be emitted verbatim before the "save" button code
'btn_post'=> string Will be emitted verbatim after the "save" button code
'attribute_name'=> [
'rules'=> mixed A single string like 'number' will give a ['number']-rule.
A single array will be passed as is.
A nested array gives multiple rules. Ex. [ ['required'], ['in', 'range'=> [0, 1]] ]
See https://www.yiiframework.com/doc/api/2.0/yii-base-model#rules()-detail
'label'=> string If unset, will be derived from attribute name.
See https://www.yiiframework.com/doc/api/2.0/yii-base-model#attributeLabels()-detail
'hints'=> string Explanatory text.
See https://www.yiiframework.com/doc/api/2.0/yii-base-model#attributeHints()-detail
'trans'=> string Translation category. If unset, taken from mod['trans'].
'default'=> string This will show up if attribute content is empty
'options'=> [
'nosave'=> number If !=0, attribute content will not be stored in db
'notrim'=> number If !=0, attribute content will not be trimmed prior to saving
'form'=> [
'type'=> string One of 'checkbox', 'dropdown', 'radio', 'textarea', 'widget', 'hidden' or 'text' (the default)
'class'=> class yii widget class if type=='widget'
See https://www.yiiframework.com/doc/api/2.0/yii-widgets-activefield#widget()-detail
'items'=> array Item list for dropdown or radio. Can be either a string like ".Label 1.Another label"
an array like [ 0=> 'Label 1', 1=> 'Another label' ] or some reference to a function
that returns such an array/string. Items will be translated using the category in 'trans'.
'options'=> array Will be passed to yii widget's $options variable
See https://www.yiiframework.com/doc/api/2.0/yii-widgets-activefield
'visible'=> array List of conditions all of which must be fulfilled for field to be visible.
Ex. ['block_enable'=> 3, 'text_enable'=> 1]
'depends'=> array Old, deprecated name for 'visible'
'prefix'=> string Will be emitted verbatim before the widget code
'suffix'=> string Will be emitted verbatim after the widget code
'function'=> [ // function follows form :)
'depends'=> array List of attributes whose content will determine the content of this attribute. Ex.
['protocol', 'domain']
'code'=> string Javascript code to create field content. Will be used as body of a function that
will be called whenever one of the fields in 'depends' changes. Must return the result.
Substrings in the form of '@attribute_name@' will be replaced by the actual attribute
name in javascript. Ex. 'return $("@protocol@").val() + "://" + $("@domain@").val() + "/"'
// deprecated:
'prefix'=> string See 'form'
'suffix'=> string See 'form'
All strings and arrays in vars
can also be a callable. If a string is given
where an array is expected, it will be split using the first character as
and vars
can also be supplied by protected function
s that
should return an array like above. If those arrays are already present,
elements of them will get overridden by the corresponding element from
the function.
Unzip this into */protected/modules/mod-helper and activate the module in Administration / Modules.
Module website: https://github.com/Themroc/humhub_mod-helper
Author: Themroc [email protected]
- More formulas than just var=value should be possible in 'form'=> ['depends'=> [...]]
- Decent documentation
GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 19 November 2007 https://www.humhub.org/de/licences
Contains icon grapic made by https://www.flaticon.com/packs/material-design, License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/