Negum.Game is a library which provides core functionality and main game loop for 2D fighting game engine.
It is a higher lever wrapper around Negum.Core library.
The main purpose of this library is to provide User with a set of pre-defined tools and classes which perform the most common and repetetive tasks.
- General entities definition like Player, Team, Match
- Standard fight (match) definition
- Hook - Accept User input
- Hook - Render image / sprite
- Hook - Play audio / music
- Hook - Load font
- Hook - Draw font
- Hook - Draw menu
- Hook - Draw stage (background, foreground, effects)
- Hook - Draw player (sprite, effects)
- Add support for shaders
- Support triggers
- Singleplayer-only - F1 kills enemy
- Support configuration from IEngine
- Main game loop
- Connect to local server for singleplayer
- Multiplayer support (Client, Server)
- Client-Server communication via special Packet-system
- Up to 4 players offline (configurable)
- Max number of players online (configurable)
- Client gathers data about the packet and serializes them
- Client writes packet data to the communication stream
- Server reads packet data
- Server handles the packet
- Server gathers data about the packet and serializes them
- Server writes packet data to the communication stream
- Client reads packet data
- Client handles the packet
Easiest way to install Negum.Game library is via NuGet like so:
dotnet add package Negum.Game
Or check it directly Here