SPMeta2 v1.1.9
New definitions to improve web part provision, improved existing definitions, multiple enhancements and reaching 430+ regression tests.
New definitions
- ReusableHTMLItemDefinition
- ReusableTextItemDefinition
- ContentBySearchWebPartDefinition
- ResultScriptWebPartDefinition
- ProjectSummaryWebPartDefinition
- ContentByQueryWebPartDefinition
- PageViewerWebPartDefinition
- ComposedLookItemDefinition
- Improved XsltListViewWebPart provision (failed on EnsureView() method)
- TaxonomyTermSetDefinition.IsAvailableForTagging chaned to bool? type
- Fixed display template provision for SSOM (invalid type case error for boolean values on TemplateHidden prop)
- BuiltInMasterPageDefinitions.Oslo refers to "Oslo.master", not to 'Seattle.master'
- SSOM provision handles SecurityGroupDefinition.Description = NULL value
- BuiltInContentClass to address OOTB seatch enumerations
- Improved taxonomy navigation (CanDeploy_WebNavigationSettings_As_TaxonomyProvider)
- ContactFieldControlDefinition has new properties
- "Nullable" properties are covered by the regression testing
- WebPartDefinition has more basic props - w/h, ChromeType/State, ExportMode, etc.
- Check on WebPartDefinition.AssemblyQualifiedName - should be AssemblyQualifiedName string
- BuiltInContentTypeNames and enhanced BuiltInPublishingContentTypeNames classes
- Top/QuickLaunchNodeDefinition URLs support ~sitecollection/~site tokens
- ScriptEditorWebPartDefinition.Id check - must be more than 32 chars (SharePoint issue)
- CSOM regression testing on XsltListViewWebPart, ListViewWebPartDefinition, SummaryLinksWebPart, ContentEditorWebpart
- XsltListViweWebPartDefinition has new props - ShowTimelineIfAvailable, xslt-related props for timeout and caching
- Enhanced BuiltInListDefinitinions class - CacheProfiles, ComposedLooks, SiteCollectionDocuments, SiteCollectionImages, ReusableContent, ets.
- ModuleFileUtils.LoadModuleFilesFromLocalFolder() method to build up a mode tree based on the local folder/fles - easy uploading local folders/files to SharePoint
- Fixed typo with BuiltInListDefinitions.Calalogs class
- SSOMProvisionServiceExtensions.DeployFarmModel() and SSOMProvisionServiceExtensions.DeployWebApplicationModel() extensions to provide typed deployment for farm/webapp models
- Managed navigation provision support
Updated documentation is available here - http://docs.subpointsolutions.com/spmeta2
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