This repo is an exemple configuration of a minimal nixos configuration. The given gpg and ssh key are commited for test purpose do not use them
username: user disk / user / root password: password gpg password: password123
- Single and declarative (via disko) encrypted root btrfs with impermanence (root erase beetween reboot)
- Secrets like user password and wifi protected via sops using gpg (for editing the secret file) and age from ssh host key (for using the passwords)
cd nixOs-sample
gpg --import ~/Codes/nixos-sample/open-secrets/private.pgp
git clone && cd nixos-sample
sudo nix --experimental-features "nix-command flakes" run github:nix-community/disko -- --mode disko nixos/encrypted-ephemeral-btrfs.nix
sudo nixos-install --flake .#host