A small portfolio to show and practice data science. This project is also aimed to help data scientist to get introduced to Docker on the specific field of data science.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.
Make sure you have installed Docker in your computer. Try to get your docker version on the command line
docker --version
It's been tested on Docker version 19.03.5
but upper versions may work as well.
In the main folder run
make build-run
This will create the image and run the container. By default image name is datascience and container name notebook.
After making the build-run you should have a docker container named notebook running. To access the notebooks just open in your browser
And play!.
If you just want to stop the running container type
make stop
To restart the container run
make start
but if you want to get rid of everything in this project (images and containers), i.e. remove them, then type
make remove
If you prefer to work in your local machine and create a new environment, the best is to use pyenv and virtualenvwrapper. A full detailed tutorial is written here for a MacOS machine.