The simple_system_monitor package, monitor for the properties and usage of the system's disk, memory and CPU.
This packages depends on the following packages:
- robotnik_msgs🔗
git clone
- rcomponent🔗
git clone
Install the package:
git clone
Install other ros dependencies:
rosdep install --from-path src --ignore-src -y -r
Build the package
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash
For the moment there are no configuration parameters available for this package.
Launch the package:
roslaunch simple_system_monitor simple_system_monitor.launch
It publishes the system status
- ~/status (robotnik_msgs/SimpleSystemStatus):
- System status, publishes the following info:
- disk_capacity: float32
- disk_usage: float32
- memory_capacity: float32
- memory_usage: float32
- cpu_usage: float32
- cpu_temperature: float32
- core_temperatures: float32[]
- timestamp: string
- System status, publishes the following info: