POC(proof of concept) of a PWA(progressive web app) in a application Lichtfestival. This is an example inspired on the original site of lichtfestival but with added functionality.
# install dependencies
$ npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev
# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm run start
# generate static project
$ npm run generate
env variable | Development | Production |
baseUrl | localhost:3000 | process.env.BASE_URL |
- vue: https://vuejs.org/
- nuxt: https://nuxtjs.org/
- nuxt pwa: https://pwa.nuxtjs.org/
- nuxt axios: https://axios.nuxtjs.org/
- nuxt vuetify: https://github.com/nuxt-community/vuetify-module
- vuelayers: https://vuelayers.github.io/#/
- qr-code-reader: https://github.com/gruhn/vue-qrcode-reader
- cypress: https://www.cypress.io/
- cypress-axe: https://github.com/avanslaars/cypress-axe
- styleguide: https://stijlgids.stad.gent/v3/index.html
- digipolis-gent/modal: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@digipolis-gent/modal
- cross-env: https://www.npmjs.com/package/cross-env
For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs.
- Robbie Verdurme - Initial work - GitHub