Our app is an organization app that helps the user to organize what they need to do, while the giving the user the ability to make timed to-do lists and take notes.
- Category: Productivity
- Mobile: This app would be primarily developed for mobile but would perhaps be just as viable on a computer, juist like other similar apps. Functionality wouldn't be limited to mobile devices, however mobile version would be more comfortable to use.
- Story: It helps the user to organize what they need to do, while giving the user the ability to make timed to-do lists and take notes.
- Market: Any individual could choose to use this app.
- Habit: This app could be used as often or unoften as the user needs.
- Scope: The app would start as a simple organization app but could grow in scope to help the user keep habits, with more development a calendar could be implemented that connects the users lists to it and displays them.
Completed Stories
- Setup Backend for User purposes
- Setup User Login
- Setup User Signin
- Setup Task Compose
- Setup Task View
- SetUp Calendar View
- SetUp Calendar Tasks
- Added Detail View
- Setup User Logout
- SetUp User Settings
Required Must-have Stories
- User has the ability to make lists with reminder and dates.
- The user would be able to create tasks.
Optional Nice-to-have Stories
- Add a calendar feature that would be connected to the to-do lists
- Add location of a to-do
- Add visual themes for the user to pick and change the visual interface
1st Sprint GIF
Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:
2nd Sprint GIF
Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:
3rd Sprint GIF
Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:
Final Sprint GIF
Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:
App Walkthrough
Here's a presentation on our app:
- List of to-do lists Screen - The user would be able to see their created to-do lists and create new ones.
- To-do list Screen - User can view a specific to-do list and add or erase elements from it.
- Note list screen - Here the user will be able to see a list of the titles of their created notes.
- Note creation screen - A separate screen in which the user is able to create a new note.
- Note View and Edit Screen - User is able to view the full extent of a note of their choosing and edit it.
Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)
- Lists
- Notes
- Create Lists
- Create Notes
Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)
- List of To-do lists Screen -> View a selected To-do list or Create/Edit a To-do list
- Lists of Notes -> View a selected note or Create/Edit a Note
Property | Type | Description |
objectId | String | unique id for the user task (default field) |
user | Pointer to User | user whose task belongs to |
tittle | String | tittle of the task |
description | String | description of the task |
dueTime | DateTime | time and date of when the task must be completed |
reminderTime | DateTime | time and date when the task will be reminded |
isDone | Boolean | shows if the task is done or not |
attachment | File | file that will be propmted with the task |
createdAt | DateTime | date when post is created (default field) |
updatedAt | DateTime | date when post is last updated (default field) |
- Home Feed Screen
- (Read/GET) Query all tasks where user is author
let query = PFQuery(className:"Task") query.whereKey("author", equalTo: currentUser) query.order(byDescending: "createdAt") query.findObjectsInBackground { (tasks: [PFObject]?, error: Error?) in if let error = error { print(error.localizedDescription) } else if let tasks = tasks { print("Successfully retrieved \(task.overdue) tasks.") // TODO: Do something with task|move into calendar activity... } }
- (Read/GET) Query all tasks where user is author
- Create task Screen
- (Create/POST) Create a new task object
- Calendar | View tasks Screen
- (Read/GET) Query logged in user object
- (Read/GET) Query tasks objects for logged user
- (Delete) Delete existing task
- (Update/PUT) Update existing tasks