To run locally:
First activate your virtual environment and install the requirements. Then:
panel serve augmentedbondingcurve/ --auto --show
To get started working with Heroku signup for a free account and download and install the CLI. Once you are set up follow the instructions to log into the CLI.
Clone this repository
Add a Jupyter notebook or Python script which declares a Panel app along with dependent files to the repository.
Try running the panel app locally using this repo's environmemt before deploying. As Heroku allows only few pushes to the app. Update requirements.txt if necessary.
Create a heroku app using the CLI. This would generate URL for app and github:
heroku create app-name
Modify the
according to your app:model/
with servable panel
which you generated in the above step
Set github remote to push to heroku. Use git URL from step 3
git remote add heroku
- Git Commit and Push the app to heroku and wait until it is deployed:
git add .
git commit -m "init"
git push heroku master
- Visit the app at
Modify the Procfile which declares which command Heroku should run to serve the app. In this sample app the following command serves the example and the websocket origin should match the name of the app on Heroku which you will declare in the next step:
web: panel serve --address="" --port=$PORT model/
- Install setuptools and twine
pip install setuptools twine
- Check if any metadata are missing
python check
- Create a source distribution
python sdist
- Upload it to PyPI. You will need an registered account at
twine upload dist/*