This program, serves as a culmination of all the knowledge, tools, and skills developed and learned throughout my computer science and mathematical career in college.
• Calculus 1-3 • Differential Equations • Linear Algebra • Numerical Analysis • Applied Statistical Methods • Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis
• Data Structures • Computer Organization • Theory of Computation • Principles of Programming Languages • Operating Systems
The Numerical Approximator is similar to other scientific computing like software, such as MATLAB or the statistical environment R. The backend of the program is programed in C, using only native libraries, while employing Python as a friendly interactive frontend. The Numerical Approximator can be used as a simple calculator, handling precedence and associativity with numerous available operations; it can be used to numerically calculate advanced single valued integrals and root solving problems; additionally, it can also be used to perform advanced matrix algebra, employed in the statistical frame of principal component analysis, factor analysis, canonical correlation analysis (Not yet Implemented), and cluster analysis (Not yet Implemented).