pytest_reportlogs is a plugin for pytest allowing to add useful information (logs) into the test report.
It was initially meant for adding test steps into the report, but then was extended to add any kind of useful information.
It reports the logged information even when the outcome is PASSED.
It is recommended to install this plugin in a self-contained environment.
pip install git+
Import and use report_log in the test file.
from pytest_reportlogs import report_log
def test_step_example():
# this info is reported as a test step
report_log("An example of a test step", is_step=True)
> Output:
│$ pytest
|==================================== PASSES ====================================
|----------------------- Captured reported logs teardown ------------------------
|[STEP #001] An example of a test step ------------------------------------- [OK]
from pytest_reportlogs import report_log
def test_simple_log_example():
report_log("An example of useful information")
> Output:
│$ pytest
|==================================== PASSES ====================================
|----------------------- Captured reported logs teardown ------------------------
|[ INFO> ] An example of useful information