Welcome to the Primordia MUD
This repo contains the Primordia MUD source code packaged in a devcontainer that has all of the necessary tools and facilities to compile, build, and deploy Primordia MUD.
All you need are vcscode and docker desktop for your platform.
You'll need these directories as they are mounted by the devcontainer:
NOTE: You can just create an empty
, as it's only required by some of the deploy scripts
Also set these up in your .bashrc and make sure they are loaded before invoking vscode:
- export VSCODE_CONTAINER_GIT_USER="[email protected]"
- export VSCODE_CONTAINER_GIT_EMAIL="Nick Codignotto"
Build this way:
bazel build //mud:pmud
Run this way:
bazel-bin/pmud/pmud --config-file=pmud.caf
You need a redis instance running and you need to set these variables in your environment:
Compilers and IDE and Build Tools
Actor Framework
Databases and Embedded Language
- Entity Schema documentation: doc/schema
- Development roadmap: doc/roadmap
This is the Primordia MUD, a multiplayer text-based adventure game.
bazel run //life:main -- -c 100 -r 50 -g 10000 -d 100
See life/LIFE
bazel run //pmud/graph/application:fully-connected -- 10 # complete graph (dot output)
bazel run //pmud/graph/application:random-connected -- 10 100 # randomly connected (dot output)
bazel run //pmud/graph/application:matrix -- 10 100 # prints adjacency matrix representation (custom output)
bazel run //pmud/graph/application:structure -- 10 100 # prints adj-list structure (custom output)
bazel run //pmud/graph/application:bfs-search -- 10 100 # Does a BFS from vertex 1 -> n
Multiple small utilities and test programs.
bazel run //util:cppversion # shows which C++ version is configured
bazel run //util:lua # basic lua interpreter
bazel run //util:scratch # scratch, throwaway code
bazel run //util:yaml-print # prints a yaml file with some basic type information
bazel run //util:yaml-redis-loader # loads yaml into redis
bazel run //util:
nickcoding.com has posts of my pmud project adventures.