- ls: list the contents of the current directory
- ls -laph: shows all items in directory
- cd $1: it changes your current working directory to 1st argument
- pwd: shows directory of what you are using
- mv $1 $2: renames/moves the file provided in 1st argument to the path in the second argument
- mkdir $1: makes directory provided in 1st argument
- rm $1: removes file provided in 1st argument
- touch $1: to create emply files or change files timestamps
- git init: creates a .git directory inside of the current directory to track the changes in the current directory over time
- git status: shows you the status of the branch you are on and the status of what has been tracked but not checked in yet.
- git add $1: adds the provided filename to the git stage
- goats are great
- they sleep