This module exposes high-level rlay entities for easy integration with Airtable
It exposes a AirtableRecord
entity that implements a custom static from
and create
which allows to write any individual entity to an airtable table and then stores a custom AirtableRecord
individual which link to each other. Next time the .create
method is called the record will be updated instead of newly created.
// create any rlay individual entity
const indi = await rlayClient.Individual.create({
customAttr1: true,
customAttr2: 'a name'
// turn it into a `AirtableRecord` individual
airEntity = AirtableRecordMock.from(indi.payload);
await airEntity.resolve();
// create that individual on Airtable
await airEntity.create({ Name: airEntity.customAttr2, CID: airEntity.cid });
// some time later; elsewhere
// we fetch the same indi that we created earlier
const indi = await rlayClient.Individual.find(`itsCid`);
// turn it into a `AirtableRecord` individual
airEntity = AirtableRecordMock.from(indi.payload);
await airEntity.resolve();
// as we created it earlier, it will update the airtable record and not create a new one
await airEntity.create({ Name: airEntity.customAttr2, CID: airEntity.cid });