This Cordova Plugin allows you to create and update Android Pinned shortcuts with a custom icon and name.
Install the plugin with the following command:
cordova plugin add
To improve the app launch performance you should set the following code into config.xml file:
... <platform name="android">
<preference name="AndroidLaunchMode" value="singleInstance" />
The Mainactivity location changes each project, so make sure you target the right instance
//Change appname in src/android/ to your config app name
import com.{app_name_here}.app.MainActivity;
This plugin provides you the following method to create pinned shortcuts (on runtime):
id: 'someID',
action: 'someAction',
shortLabel: 'ShortLabel', //String. This is the shortcut shown when user long press over the icon when it is located in the home screen.
longLabel: 'LongLabel', //String. This is the shortcut shown when user long press over the icon when it is located in the app drawer.
icon: 'BASE64_String_icon', //String, should be the base64 icon or the name of this without extension.
Use the following method check if android supports pinned shortcuts
function (supported) {
if (supported) {
//create the pinned shortcut