deno run --help
Kuberc (kube reference checker) is a tool that will check if references to other resources exist in a list of k8s resources. The use case is that if your app bundles a bunch of resources you can check if you correctly spelled and setup the labels, selectors and names of referenced resources. As of writing this kuberc only supports a subset of k8s resources and their references and makes some assumptions like dockerconfigjson not being bundled in your apps but existing on the cluster you are deploying too
This will not support every possible selector and makes some assumptions to the resources.
- It will ignore namespaces and assume the whole input is in the same namespace
- podselectors (for example hpa targets) will only check the templates of Deployment and Statefullsets, not replicasets, raw pods or otherwise
- Podmonitor only supports matchlabels
- Ingress only supports
Current CRDS that are support are:
- SopsSecret (
- PodMonitor (
Flag | Example | Description |
--skip-secrets | deno run main.ts --skip-secrets newrelic-license,s3-bucket | Ignore references to secrets in the given list |
--skip-configmaps | deno run main.ts --skip-configmaps newrelic-license,s3-bucket | Ignore references to configmaps in the given list |
--skip-services | deno run main.ts --skip-services external-ingress-service | Ignore references to services in the given list |
--verbose | deno run main.ts --verbose | Output the issues in json format instead of the readable msg |
--file | deno run main.ts --file myk8sconfig.yml | Read from a file instead of the STDIN |
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- run: kubectl kustomize overlay/testing > .kuberc-input
- uses: MarkArts/kuberc/.github/actions/kuberc@v5
file: .kuberc-input
extra_flags: |
--skip-secrets someSecretAlreadyInTheCluster \
--skip-configmaps someConfigmapAlreadyInTheCluster
Use the nix shell or setup deno yourself. the nix shell will also create a .vscode config with autocomplete for deno and link vscode to the nix installed deno
In practice you probaply want to run this in ci or build a kustomize dir and verify it for example:
kubectl kustomize ../myapp/deploy/overlays/euc1-testing/ | deno run main.ts
cat examples/broken-example.yml | deno run main.ts