provisions a mesh of transit gateways accross multiple regions and shares them with other accounts (which can add their own vpc's) creating a hub-spoke network.
This stack is dependant on aws RAM (Resource Access Manager) so make sure this service is enabled (
- install nix
sh <(curl -L --no-daemon
- then enter the nix shell
nix-shell env.nix
Make sure you have access to a AWS_PROFILE with permissions to deploy
export AWS_PROFILE=myprofile
within the nix shell
prettier --write .
to apply changes first select the stack you want to edit
pulumi stack select
then apply the changes (this will first ask for conformation)
pulumi up
it's possible to only check your changes in pulumi without deploying with
pulumi diff
To connect to the Global Network from a VPC in another account we have to:
- Make sure the CIDR of the VPC doesn't overlap with ANY CIDR block in the region config.
- Add the cidr of the new vpc to the correct region in the config
- Create a VPC attachment in the other account (the Transit Gateway should be shared via RAM there).
- Create a static route in the route table of the subnets the instances are in to the transit gateway
The following image visualizes how the route tables will route data trough the network:
To connect a pulumi vpc to the global network the following code will create the connection (this will not route any trafic yet but will allow us to update the route tables):
const globalAttach = new aws.ec2transitgateway.VpcAttachment(
transitGatewayId: { transitGatewayID }, // depends on the region you are connecting from
subnetIds: [], // this has to be 1 subnet of each availibility zone your instances are in (can't be duplicates)
vpcId:, // the id of the vpc you are connecting
tags: {
Name: `${prefix}-global-tg-attach`,
deleteBeforeReplace: true, // needed as we can't replace this in place
Then to start routing trafic trough the gateway update the route table of the subnets your instances are in (this can differ per project). The following code updates all route tables created by the vpcx (aws crosswalk)
// when creating our own route tables
const privateRouteTable = new aws.ec2.RouteTable(
routes: [
cidrBlock: "",
cidrBlock: "",
transitGatewayId: globalAttach.transitGatewayId,
tags: {
Name: `${prefix}_private_route_table`,
// when using awsx (aws crosswalk) to create a vpc
const globalRoutes = vpcx.privateSubnets.then((r) =>, i) => {
if (!x.routeTable?.id) {
throw Error(
"Can't add global route to subnets without a rout table attached",
return new aws.ec2.Route(
routeTableId: x.routeTable?.id,
transitGatewayId: globalAttach.transitGatewayId,
destinationCidrBlock: "",
To attach a terraform vpc to the global network use the following block (this does not route trafic yet)
// we use a list to make gateways optional (setting it to 0 gateways)
variable "transit_gateway_ids" {
type = list(string)
default = []
resource "aws_ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment" "global_attachment" {
for_each = toset(var.transit_gateway_ids)
subnet_ids = []
transit_gateway_id = each.key
vpc_id =
tags = merge(
"Name" = "${var.tag_prefix}_global_attachment"
Then to start routing trafic trough the gateway use the following routetable route table (specifically the dynamic "route"
resource "aws_route_table" "route_table" {
vpc_id =
# Allow internet trafic in and out
route {
cidr_block = ""
gateway_id =
dynamic "route" {
for_each = aws_ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment.global_attachment
content {
cidr_block = ""
transit_gateway_id = route.value.transit_gateway_id
tags = merge(
"Name" = "${var.tag_prefix}_route_table"