A university project to build a file explorer with Angular and the progressive Node-JS Framework Nest-Js To organize the project we are using NX.
A live demo can be found here. The users credentials for the default user are:
Username | Password |
admin | admin |
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
- Docker
- Docker-Compose
- npm
- compodoc
For development you need to install npm After that you need to download the dependencies:
npm install
You will also need to install nx, we recommend to download it globally:
npm install -g nx
Run the frontend:
nx serve finder
Run the backend:
nx serve api
The project comes shipped with two docker images for the backend and frontend. You can use the docker-compose file to start both together with
npm run-script docker:buildFrontend
npm run-script docker:buildBackend
npm run-script docker:run
With this config the application should be easily deployed on any server
To run the unit tests for the backend run
nx test finder
To run the unit test for the frontend run
nx test api
To run the e2e Test for the frontend run
nx e2e finder
To lint a project run
nx lint <project>
For the API Documenation we stick to the Open Api 3.0 specification. Our API Documentation can be found after serving the frontend under:
A docker images and docke compose files can seem cryptic easily. To make our config more understandable just run:
npm run-script documentation:docker
A picture will be generated with the name:
which shows you how the containers, networks and volumes definded in our docker compose file are connected.
The Angular Application structure can be explored through the documentation tool compodoc. Compodoc has some pending problems with the curent nest.js version because of that only the Services are documented.
npm run-script documentation:frontend
npm run-script documentation:backend
to explore the documentation go to:
Johanna Flechtner -
Malte Petersen -