A command line AI client for Linux written C using the OpenAI API
gptcom is a small, one file, command-line executable that accepts Gpt prompts and prints text responses to in the terminal.
All arguments typed after the command are input as the one prompt.
When executed with no arguments a GUI text input box opens to accept your prompt.
A running text log is kept: /$HOME/gptcom.log
gptcom uses three environment variables:
- GPTKEY=your OpenAI API key
- GPTMOD=the OpenAI Gpt model name to use
- HOME=your Linux user home directory
export GPTMOD="gpt-4"
zenity must be installed on your system:
sudo apt install zenity
To compile the source:
gcc -o gptcom gptcom.c -O1 -w JSON/cJSON.c -lm -l curl
The curl library for c is also used:
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
or download the library files from the cURL website.
bash file:
gptcom "$@"
Save as '$'
Execute at command line:
$ hello gpt ...