Webpack 5 boilerplate using Vue.js, Babel, PostCSS and Sass with a hot dev server and an optimized production build.
- Make sure you have a new version of Node installed
- Download the code by zip or fork
- Run the command npm install by the command promt
- npm start
- You can view the development server at
- npm run build
- npm prod
- A framework for making user interfacesvue-router
- Routing in Vue
- Babel Runtime for dev babel/plugin-transform-runtime.
- Main Library with polyfills for older Browserswhatwg-fetch
- For making promise based web request progammitically
- Module and asset bundler.webpack-cli
- Command line interface for webpackwebpack-dev-server
- Development server for webpackwebpack-merge
- Simplify development/production configuration
- Transpile ES6+ to ES5@babel/preset-env
- Smart defaults for Babel@babel/plugin-transform-runtime
- Babel to use async/await@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread
- Babel helper@babel/plugin-transform-arrow-functions
- For arrow functions@babel/plugin-transform-async-to-generator
- Generator for async/await@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties
- Use properties on a class
- webpack loader for Vue Single-File Componentsvue-style-loader
- Load styles into the DOMvue-template-compiler
- Pre compilation of Vue 2.0 templates into render functions
- Transpile files - Babel/webpacksass-loader
- Load SCSS and compile to CSSnode-sass
- Node Sasspostcss-loader
- Process CSS with PostCSSpostcss-preset-env
- Sensible defaults for PostCSScss-loader
- Resolve CSS importsstyle-loader
- Inject CSS into the DOM
- Remove/clean build folderscopy-webpack-plugin
- Copy files to build directoryhtml-webpack-plugin
- Generate HTML files from templatemini-css-extract-plugin
- Extract CSS into separate filescss-minimizer-webpack-plugin
- Optimize and minimize CSS assetscross-env
- Cross platform configurationhttp-server
- HTTP server for testing the produktion build by running npm run prod
- Per Olsen
This project is open source and available under the MIT License.