For almost the last 9 years, I have been working in a sports store chain as an administrator. When I found out about the profession of a testing engineer, I immediately decided to radically change my life.
I just completed courses at the Hexlet Programming School with a degree in QA Engineering. So now I am looking for an internship/job for a vacancy Junior QA Engineer as I have a crazy desire to put all my knowledge into practice and thereby help a company create the best software by using my hard skills:
- Writing test documentation
- Testing web and mobile applications
- Test analysis and test design techniques
- Knowledge of the software development process and software lifecycle
- Testing tools: DevTools, Postman, Swagger, Trello,
- Knowledge of operating systems, the ability to use Linux
- The concept of methodology Agile (Scrum, Kanban)
- Knowledge of networks, tcp/ip, http
- Basic knowledge of SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Hexlet School of Programming. QA Engineer/Testing Engineer (2024)
Manager (Economics and Management at trade enterprises), RGTEU Russian State University of Trade and Economics.
Diploma with honors (2000 - 2005)
Accountant. State educational institution Voronezh Training Center of the State Statistics Committee of Russia.
Diploma with honors (2000 - 2001)
πΒ I'm based in Nakhabino, Krasnogorsky District, Moscow Region, Russia
Test-task Test-task for QA engineer
Open-source project Hexlet-friends
Educational project Codebattle - testing in production
Educational project Testing-an-online-store