Releases: Lessica/TrollRecorder
⚠️ 重要提示 A
- 经多次测试,先前版本的 “iCloud 云备份” 实际无法恢复到还原后的 iOS 设备上(有线备份无此问题)
- 自 v2.14 版本后,巨魔录音机首次启动将会把录音根目录从
,以解决这一问题。 - “通过 iCloud 备份” 选项仍然有效:此选项打开时,iCloud 云备份将包括录音文件;反之则不包括录音文件
- 自 v2.14 版本后,巨魔录音机首次启动将会把录音根目录从
⚠️ 重要提示 B
- 除还原数据以外,不要将巨魔或越狱环境下的 iCloud 云备份 直接 恢复至较新的、无法安装巨魔或越狱的 iOS 版本上,否则存在云备份中存在部分来自巨魔或越狱环境的残留数据,且无法清理!可能但不限于造成如下后果:
- 残留数据占据的空间在新设备上无法通过还原以外的方式得到释放
- 新设备被第三方 App 误检测出巨魔或越狱环境,影响风控评价
❓ 如何使用 “通过 iCloud 备份” 功能?
- iCloud 云备份功能打开
- 巨魔录音机中 “本地存储” → “通过 iCloud 备份” 选项打开
- 安装有巨魔录音机 v2.14 及后续版本
- 使用一台新的 iOS 设备还原为原有设备的 iCloud 备份,待还原彻底完成,“设置” App 中出现还原成功的提示
- 如果可以巨魔或越狱:安装巨魔录音机,原有设备的录音将直接出现在新设备上
- 如果不能巨魔或越狱,你需要一台 PC 或 Mac,进行一次有线备份,随后使用 “爱思助手” 等工具查看全备份内容:录音存放于
✨ 其他优化与改进
- 进一步改进 “微信通话助理” 的识别效果
- “微信通话助理” 现已支持第三方收纳插件(如老猫)的管理面板,显示为 “巨魔录音机·微信通话助理”(需重新注入)
- 在首次链接设备、跳转购买和升级完成时,弹出新手引导提示信息
- 录音播控界面 “后退” 和 “前进” 间隔统一改为 15 秒
- 录音列表波形图像生成过程支持打断,减少不必要的性能损耗
- iPhone 录音列表非编辑模式下,选中录音的高亮状态将 从进入详情页起,保持至下一次返回列表页
- iPad 录音列表非编辑模式下,选中录音的高亮状态将一直 保持至反选
💗 新功能
- 新增 “悬浮球 +” → “键盘避让”
- 在 iPhone 竖屏模式下,自动移动悬浮球以避开键盘
🐛 问题修复
- 修复锁屏状态下,通话黑白名单、内录等功能可能不生效的问题
- 修复录音回放时,播控中心未能正确显示 “后退” 和 “前进” 选项的问题
- 修复录音回放时,播控中心有时不能正确响应拖拽定位的问题
- 修复更换应用程序语言时,系统语言显示为 “” 空的问题
- 新增 “自动化” → “静默模式” 选项
- 无需通知即可自动化运行快捷指令
- 新增 “自动化” → “物理按键组合” 动作
- 当没有活跃通话时,同时按下两个音量键运行指定的快捷指令
- 设置为 “启停录音” 快捷指令后,现已支持在任何时候同时按下两个音量键,静默录制语音备忘录
- “显示与外观” → “显示录音格式”、“显示捆绑包名称”、“显示 SIM 卡别名” 现已支持关闭详情页对应内容的显示
- 录音播放页面右上角选项菜单新增 “播放器选项”
- 支持调节播放速度(0.5 至 2.0 倍速)
- “跳过静音” 支持以 3.0 倍速跳过无声片段
- 新增 “播放上行音频” 快捷指令动作
- 允许你在通话录音过程中,向通话对方播放自定义音频文件
- 支持调节音频播放音量、无限循环播放背景音
- iOS 15 由于快捷指令限制,将无法使用 “自动化” 页面所有功能
- 允许跳过代码签名验证,以只读模式查看或导出录音
- 补充长按悬浮球时触发动作的动画效果
- 修复 #105、#106
- 修复 “Voice-Over 语音” 试听音频未能被正常打断的问题
- 修复亮屏但锁屏状态下悬浮球冷启动未能显示的问题
- 修复 “微信通话助理” 插件被覆盖失效后可能会读取到上次通话记录的问题
New Features
- Added “Automation” → “Silent Mode” option.
- Run shortcuts automatically without notifications.
- Added “Automation” → “Physical Button Combination” action.
- When there is no active call, press both volume buttons simultaneously to run a specified shortcut.
- When set to the “Start/Stop Recording” shortcut, you can now press both volume buttons simultaneously at any time to silently record voice memos.
- “Appearance” → “Show Recording Format”, “Show Bundle Name”, “Show SIM Card Alias” now support hiding the corresponding content on the details page.
- Added “Player Options” to the options menu at the top right corner of the recording playback page.
- Supports adjusting playback speed (0.5 to 2.0 times speed).
- “Skip Silence” supports skipping silent segments at 3.0 times speed.
- Added “Play Uplink Audio” shortcut action.
- Allows you to play custom audio files to the opposite during call recording.
- Supports adjusting audio playback volume and infinite loop playback of background audio.
Optimizations and Improvements
- Due to shortcut limitations in iOS 15, all functions on the “Automation” page will be unavailable.
- Allows skipping code signature verification to view or export recordings in read-only mode.
- Added animation effects when triggering actions by long-pressing the floating ball.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed #105, #106.
- Fixed the issue where “Voice-Over Voice” preview audio could not be interrupted properly.
- Fixed the issue where the floating ball could not be displayed when cold-started in a screen-on but locked state.
- Fixed the issue where the “WeChat Call Assistant” plugin might read the last call record after being overwritten and invalidated.
- 现已支持从 “控制中心” → 长按 “屏幕录制” → 选择 “TrollRecorder CC” 启动录音
- 打开 “麦克风” 选项时为 外录,关闭时为 内录
- 将 “隐秘语音备忘录” 移至 “应用程序” → “语音备忘录” → “隐秘模式”
- 将 “应用程序语言” 选项从 “开发者选项” 移至 “显示与外观” → “界面语言”
- 将 “Voice-Over 语音” 选项从 “开发者选项” 移至 “通话录音” 中
- 打开 “播放录音警告” 选项,或修改 “Voice-Over 语音” 选项时,播放测试语音
- 在 iOS 16+ 设备上,打开 “启动守护” 选项时自动检查是否添加所需的 “巨魔录音机” 小组件。若未添加,则弹窗提醒,并提供一键添加 “巨魔录音机” 小组件的快捷按钮
- “本地存储” → “使用回收站”、“自动清理缓存” 和 “空间不足时停止录音” 选项现已默认打开,但进入回收站仍需付费购买正式版
- 优化录音列表波形磁盘缓存的加载性能,减少丢帧
- 在购买页面点击 “验证授权” 按钮时,联网检测本地时间,并给出异常提示
- 在 “开发者选项” 中新增 “语音播报” 日志记录
- 更新开源软件许可证
- 修复微信 v8054 微信通话助理可能失效的问题(需使用 TrollFools 注入更新后的插件)
- 修复 “播放录音警告” 和 “通话语音播报” 功能失效的问题
- 修复前几个版本邮件反馈无法携带日志附件的问题
New Features
- Now supports starting recording from “Control Center” → Long press “Screen Recording” → Select “TrollRecorder CC”.
- When the “Microphone” option is turned on, it is voice memo recording; when turned off, it is system audio recording.
Optimizations and Improvements
- Moved “Discreet Voice Memos” to “Applications” → “Voice Memos”.
- Moved the “App Language” option from “Developer Options” to “Appearance”.
- Moved the “Voice-Over Voice” option from “Developer Options” to “Call Recording”.
- When the “Play Recording Warning” option is turned on, or the “Voice-Over Voice” option is modified, play a test speech utterance.
- On iOS 16+ devices, when the “Launch Shield” option is turned on, it automatically checks whether the required “Troll Recorder” widget has been added. If not, a pop-up reminder is displayed, providing a quick button to add the “Troll Recorder” widget.
- The options “Local Storage” → “Use Recycle Bin”, “Clean Caches Automatically”, and “Stop Recording When Disk Exhausted” are now turned on by default, but entering the recycle bin still requires purchasing the full version.
- Optimized the loading performance of waveform disk cache in the recording list, reducing frame drops.
- When clicking the “Verify License” button on the purchase page, check local time online, and provide an abnormal prompt if necessary.
- Added “Speech Utterance” log entry in “Developer Options”.
- Updated open-source software licenses.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug in “Play Recording Warning”.
- Fixed a bug that prevents crash reports and logs being attached to feedback emails.
💥 新功能「系统音频录制」
现已支持录制系统音频(下称 内录,即录制设备发出的、你能听到的声音),你可以从如下几处启动 内录:
- 从悬浮窗启动:当右侧按钮显示为 “系统音频” 或某一 App 名称时,轻按以开始 内录
- 长按悬浮球启动:可在「设置」「悬浮球」「长按动作」选项中选择录制哪一种内容
- 长按主屏幕应用图标启动
- 使用快捷指令「开始录音」或「启停录音」启动
- 使用 URL Scheme 启动(使用说明)
你可以随时启动 内录。没有正在播放的音频时,录制输出无声内容。
- 内录 会以结束时正在播放的应用程序名称作为显示名
- 如果有更高优先级的音频事务(如来去电),内录 会被打断,你需要在 App 中手动转换此次录音
🆕 新功能
- 新增「悬浮球」「当没有通话时…」选项
- 你可以自定义:当没有通话时,轻按悬浮球右侧的主要按钮时,所执行的动作
- 在「悬浮球」「长按动作」中新增「打开应用程序」和「录制系统音频」选项
- 「应用程序」页面现已能够显示各个应用程序「允许自动录音」和「允许唤醒悬浮球」的开关状态
- 录音列表右上角筛选器新增「按录音类型筛选」
✅ 优化与改进
- 录音列表的录音波形图现已加入持久化位图缓存,加载更快、极致顺滑
- 购买页面新增「无痕浏览」模式检测,适时给出防呆提示
- 在购买页面弹窗时截图,适时给出防呆提示
- 当系统媒体服务遇到故障时,紧急停止录制并给出推送通知提示(需打开「显示结束通知」)
⚠️ 调节非 CallKit 通话嗅探服务的内部机制
🔨 问题修复
- 修复「应用程序」选项页面防呆提示显示条件未考虑「使用默认设置」选项的问题
- 增大部分文字按钮的接触面积
💥 New Feature “System Audio Recording”
Now supports recording system audio (hereinafter referred to as Internal Recording, which records the sounds emitted by the device that you can hear). You can start Internal Recording from the following places:
- Start from the floating window: When the button on the right side displays “System Audio” or the name of an app, tap to start Internal Recording.
- Long press the floating ball to start: You can select what to record in “Settings” → “Floating Ball” → “Long Press Action”.
- Long press the app icon on the home screen to start.
- Use the shortcuts “Start Recording” or “Toggle Recording” to start.
- Start via URL Scheme (Instructions)
You can start Internal Recording at any time. When no audio is playing, the recording outputs silent content.
- Internal Recording will use the name of the application that is playing when the recording ends as the display name.
- If there are audio transactions of the same or higher priority (such as incoming or outgoing calls), Internal Recording will be interrupted, and you need to manually convert this recording in the app.
🆕 New Features
- Added the “Floating Ball” → “When there is no call...” option
- You can customize the action performed when tapping the main button on the right side of the floating ball when there is no call.
- Added “Open Application” and “Record System Audio” options to the “Floating Ball” → “Long Press Action”.
- The “Applications” page now displays the toggle status of “Allow Automatic Recording” and “Allow Floating Ball Activation” for each application.
- Added “Filter by Recording Type” to the filter in the upper right corner of the recording list.
✅ Optimizations and Improvements
- The recording waveform graphs in the recording list now have persistent bitmap caching, loading faster and smoother.
- Added “Incognito Mode” detection on the purchase page to provide timely user guidance.
- When taking a screenshot of a popup on the purchase page, provide timely user guidance.
- When the system media service encounters a fault, immediately stop recording and provide a push notification alert (requires “Show End Notification” to be enabled).
🔨 Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the display condition of the user guidance on the “Application” options page did not consider the “Use Default Settings” option.
- Increased the touch area of some text buttons.
- 「悬浮球」新增「主动发起录制时显示」
- 通过此应用程序录制语音备忘录,或手动启动通话录音时,显示悬浮球。
- 悬浮球「闲置效果」新增「始终折叠」
- 支持 iOS 16+ 从锁屏小组件直接新建语音备忘录
- 隐藏设置主界面不常用功能的概览
- 优化悬浮球多语言显示效果
- 调整「触感反馈」的振动模式
- 修复快捷指令「开始录音」或「启停录音」部分情形下无法启动新录制的问题。
- 修复「增强通话场景识别」与「允许唤醒悬浮球」选项效果不符合预期的问题。
- 修复手动停止等待通话中的录音会话存在延迟的问题。
- 修复部分国家与地区无法重新加载录音列表的问题。
New Features
- Added “User Initiated Recording” to the “Hover-ball”.
- Display the hover-ball when record voice memo through this application, or the call recording is manually initiated.
- Added “Always Fold” to the hover-ball “Transition When Idle”.
- Supports creating new voice memos directly from the lock screen widget on iOS 16+.
Optimizations and Improvements
- Hide the overview of less frequently used features on the main settings interface.
- Optimized the multi-language layout of the hover-ball.
- Adjusted the vibration mode of “Haptic Feedback”.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the shortcut “Start Recording” or “Start/Stop Recording” could not start a new recording in some cases.
- Fixed an issue where the effects of the “Enhanced Scene Identification” and “Allow Hover-Ball Wake-Ups” options did not meet expectations.
- Fixed an issue where manually stopping a recording session while waiting for a call had a delay.
- Fixed an issue where the recording list could not be reloaded in some countries and regions.
💥 新功能「语音备忘录」
现已支持录制语音备忘录(下称 外录,即使用设备默认的麦克风录制环境音),你可以从如下几处启动 外录:
- 从悬浮窗启动:点击左侧按钮开始外录,点击右侧按钮开始通话录音
- 长按悬浮球启动:可在「设置」「悬浮球」「长按动作」选项中选择录制哪一种内容
- 长按主屏幕应用图标启动
- 使用快捷指令「开始录音」或「启停录音」启动
- 使用 URL Scheme 启动(使用说明)
- 如果有同等或更高优先级的音频事务(如来去电),录制的「语音备忘录」会被打断,你需要在 App 中手动转换此次录音。
- 如果当前有应用正在播放或录制音频,你将无法通过快捷指令「开始录音」或「启停录音」启动新录制。
- 即将支持以「新录音 X」自动重命名语音备忘录
- 即将支持「悬浮球」选项「录制时显示」
- (💰付费功能)即将支持从小组件进入 App 时直接启动录制
🆕 新功能
- 「通知与提醒」中的「开始时提醒」与「结束时提醒」现已新增「响铃」「响铃并振动」选项
✅ 优化与改进
- 悬浮球活跃时不再折叠
- 以地标名称显示或搜索录音条目
- 优化设置页面条目与按钮的接触面积
- 优化快捷指令「开始录音」、「启停录音」和「通话语音播报」的编辑样式
- 锁屏 黑屏后 自动收起悬浮窗
🔧 问题修复
💥 New Feature: “Voice Memo”
Now supports recording voice memos (hereinafter referred to as external recording, which uses the device’s default microphone to record ambient sound). You can start external recording from the following places:
- Start from the floating window: Click the left button to start external recording, click the right button to start call recording.
- Long press the floating ball to start: You can choose which content to record in “Settings” > “Floating Ball” > “Long Press Action” option.
- Long press the app icon on the home screen to start.
- Use the shortcut command “Start Recording” or “Toggle Recording” to start.
- Use URL Scheme to start (How to?).
This feature is similar to “Discreet Voice Memos”, showing only a small orange dot in the status bar during recording.
If there is an audio session with equal or higher priority (such as incoming or outgoing calls), the “Voice Memo” recording will be interrupted, and you need to manually convert this recording in the App.
Known Issues
- If an app is currently playing or recording audio, you will not be able to start a new recording using the shortcut command “Start Recording” or “Toggle Recording”.
- Coming soon: Automatically renaming voice memos as "New Recording X".
- Coming soon: Automatically starting recording when entering the App from the widget.
- Coming soon: The hover ball option “Show during Recording”.
🆕 New Features
In “Notifications”, the “Notify at Start” and “Notify at End” now have new options “Ring” and “Ring and Vibrate”.
✅ Optimizations and Improvements
- The hover ball will no longer collapse when active.
- Display or search recording entries by landmark names.
- Optimized the touch area of items and buttons on the settings page.
- Optimized the editing style of the shortcut commands “Start Recording”, “Toggle Recording”, and “Play Voice-Over to Microphone”.
- Automatically retract the floating window after the screen turns off in lock screen mode.
🔧 Bug Fixes
- 修复检查更新的弹窗
- 修复多重通话记录中可能的串名问题
- 修复悬浮球窗口旋转时闪现黑边的问题
- 修复隐根越狱环境下巨魔录音机文件夹在「文件」中不显示的问题
- 优化越狱环境类型检测
- 通过日志输出 Git 提交号和构建时间
- 在「开发者选项」中查看更多构建信息
- 真实版本号和 Git 提交号
- 构建时间
- 运行时环境
- 在「开发者选项」中关闭日志功能后,停止服务时将清空日志目录
- 在「高级选项」中,现可选择检查「预发布」版本
- 三个月以前推出的功能将不再自动标记为「新功能」
- 更新繁体中文(台湾)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the pop-up alerts for checking updates.
- Resolved potential name-mixing issues in multiple call recordings.
- Fixed the issue where black blocks would appear on the screen edges when rotating the hover-ball window.
- Fixed the issue where the “Troll Recorder” folder would not display in “Files” under the RootHide jailbreak environment.
Optimizations and Improvements
- Improved detection of jailbreak environment.
- Git commit ids and build times are now outputted through log messages.
- Additional build information is now available in “Developer Options”:
- Real version numbers and Git commit ids
- Compile timestamps
- Runtime environment
- When the logging feature is disabled in “Developer Options,” the log directory will be cleared upon stopping the service.
- In “Advanced Options,” you can now choose to check for “Pre-release” versions.
- Features released more than three months will no longer be automatically marked as “New Feature”.
- Updated Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)
- 重新构建以支持隐根越狱 Dopamine (RootHide)
- 调整「微信通话助理」的描述文本
- 更新繁体中文(香港)
🔍 搜索能力增强
- 高亮显示录音搜索文本
- 支持按录音来源搜索录音(需 完全匹配。例如,搜索「电话」、「FaceTime通话」或「微信」)
- 支持主副卡名称搜索录音(需 完全匹配。例如,搜索「主号」、「副号」或「商务」)
- 打开巨魔录音机的「设置」标签页,摇一摇手机
- 点击最下方「版本号」,选择「开发者选项」
- 点击「重置搜索索引」
Major Changes
- Built for Dopamine (RootHide)
- Highlight recording search texts
- Now you can search recordings via its source app name (e.g. “Phone” or “FaceTime”)
- Updated
- 「微信通话助理」现提供通话记录插件
- 如需获取更准确的通话记录,你需要通过 TrollFools 或类似技术将其注入到 “微信” 应用程序中。
- 此插件经过测试,支持 v8.0.31 至 v8.0.53 版本的微信。
- 获取通话双方的微信号、微信名称;
- 获取通话方向、开始时间、结束时间及持续时长;
- 获取群组语音的群聊名称;
This version is for WeChat users. If you do not use WeChat, just ignore the update.
- 「隐秘语音备忘录」现已支持巨魔版本
- 需使用 TrollFools 或类似技术将必需的插件注入到「语音备忘录」应用程序中。
- 新「捷径」动作:
- 执行完全同步
- 检查守护服务
- 静音/取消静音现有通话
- 显示即时通知
- 新「自动化」触发器:
- 长按悬浮球
- 现已使用 Xcode 15.4 和 iOS SDK 16.5 完成构建
- 更新了繁体中文(香港)支持
Major Changes
- Discreet “Voice Memos” for TrollStore version
- Use TrollFools or similar technologies to inject required tweaks into the “Voice Memos” app.
- New actions for “Shortcuts”:
- Perform Full Synchronization
- Ensure Daemon is Running
- Mute/Unmute Existing Calls
- Show Notification (Time-Sensitive)
- New automation trigger:
- Long-Press the Hover-ball
- Built with Xcode 15.4 and iOS SDK 16.5