Tested in ubuntu 20.04, ubuntu 18.04, Manjaro (you need to use AUR to build ROS1 noetic(recommend) or melodic), Deepin20.4 with noetic
download source from https://opencv.org/
cd opencv-4.5.4
mkdir build & cd build
cd opencv-4.5.4
sudo make install
yolo cfg, weight and coconame should be downloaded and put at /src/yolo/data, and the default is yolov4-tiny
Setting yolo config file in the yolo/src/detection.cpp, change the absolute path for the cfg, weight and coconame
and then, plesae use catkin_make 执行catkin_make
cd /far-planner-with-yolo
sudo chmod +x run.sh
cfg weight coconames can be download from https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet
The original far_planner is here, please check the url below