RGB blending and color library written for the Arduino.
by Erik Sikich
2016 November 22
See Colors.h for color definitions
Blend - Blends two colors together
Random - Blends randomly generated colors together
RandomCycle - Randomly cycles through a list of colors
Cycle - Cycles through a list of colors
Update - Call to update color
Hold - Holds a color
TurnOff - Turns off the LED
GetColor - Returns current color
Requires 3 PWM pins per RGBLEDBlender object. Objects may share the same pins in case of multiplexing or something similar.
To blend arbitrary colors together, call the Blend() fuction once and then repeatedly call Update()
my_blender.Blend(_RED, _YELLOW, blend_time);
uint32_t blend_time = 1000;
uint32_t done = millis() + blend_time;
while(done > millis()){
For Random(), RandomCycle(), and Cycle(), just repeatedly call the function.
Color color_list[6] = {_RED, _ORANGE, _YELLOW, _GREEN, _BLUE, _PURPLE};
my_blender.RandomCycle(color_list, 6, 1000);
Colors can be added, subtracted, divided and multiplied either by each other or constants.
Color my_color = {10, 15, 20};
Color my_color2 = {1, 2 ,3};
my_color *= 2;
//my_color would now be == {20, 30, 40}
my_color += my_color2;
//my_color would now be == {21, 32, 43}
NOTE: Be vigilant when doing this, as the Color struct is made of int16_t's. Be sure to check your values as writing values < 0 or > 255 will cause under/overflow issues and you will not get the colors you expect.
Pulled from here.