Fully typed, plausibly practical, and remarkably random utilities for me—and maybe for you too.
You can install kajihs_utils via pip:
pip install kajihs-utils
from kajihs_utils import get_first
from kajihs_utils.loguru import prompt, setup_logging
from kajihs_utils.numpy_utils import find_closest
# Useful protocols for structural subtyping
from kajihs_utils.protocols import SupportsLessThan
# Get first key existing in a dict
d = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}
print(get_first(d, ["x", "a", "b"])) # Output: 1
# === Loguru features ===
# Better logged and formatted prompts
prompt("Enter a number")
# Simply setup well formatted logging in files and console
setup_logging(prefix="app", log_dir="logs")
# === Numpy features ===
import numpy as np
x = np.array([[0, 0], [10, 10], [20, 20]])
print(find_closest(x, [[-1, 2], [15, 12]])) # Output: [0 1]