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JSzitas committed Dec 28, 2023
1 parent 6ab15f4 commit 42630a8
Showing 1 changed file with 117 additions and 59 deletions.
176 changes: 117 additions & 59 deletions nlsolver.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2525,6 +2525,15 @@ static inline scalar_t rnorm(RNG &generator) {
return sqrt(-2 * log(generator())) * cos(2 * pi_ * generator());

template <typename scalar_t, typename RNG, typename RandomIt>
static inline void rnorm(RNG &generator, RandomIt first, RandomIt last) {
// this is not a particularly good generator, but it is 'good enough' for
// our purposes.
for(;first != last; ++first) {
(*first) = rnorm<scalar_t, RNG>(generator);

enum PSOType { Vanilla, Accelerated };

template <typename Callable, typename RNG, typename scalar_t = double,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3740,13 +3749,22 @@ class BFGS {
namespace nlsolver::experimental {
// TODO(JSzitas): WIP
template <typename Callable, typename RNG, typename scalar_t = double>
class [[maybe_unused]] CMAES {
class CMAES {
Callable &f;
RNG &generator;
const scalar_t m_step;
const size_t max_iter;
const scalar_t condition, x_delta, f_delta;
// constructor
[[maybe_unused]] CMAES<Callable, RNG, scalar_t>(Callable &f, RNG &generator) : f(f), generator(generator) {}
CMAES<Callable, RNG, scalar_t>(Callable &f, RNG &generator, const scalar_t m_step,
const size_t max_iter = 1000,
const scalar_t condition = 1e14,
const scalar_t x_delta = 1e-7,
const scalar_t f_delta = 1e-9) : f(f),
generator(generator), m_step(m_step), max_iter(max_iter), condition(condition),
x_delta(x_delta), f_delta(f_delta) {}
// minimize interface
[[maybe_unused]] solver_status<scalar_t> minimize(std::vector<scalar_t> &x) {
return this->solve<true>(x);
Expand All @@ -3762,8 +3780,7 @@ class [[maybe_unused]] CMAES {
const size_t n = x.size();
size_t la = std::ceil(4 + round(3 * log(n)));
const size_t mu = std::floor(la / 2);
std::vector<scalar_t> w(mu, 0.0);
// TVarVector w = TVarVector::Zero(mu);
std::vector<scalar_t> w(mu);
for (size_t i = 0; i < mu; i++) {
w[i] = std::log(static_cast<scalar_t>(mu) + 1 / 2) -
log(static_cast<double>(i) + 1);
Expand All @@ -3786,78 +3803,119 @@ class [[maybe_unused]] CMAES {
1. + cs + 2. * std::max(0., sqrt((mu_eff - 1.) / (n + 1.)) - 1.);
const scalar_t chi = sqrt(n) * (1. - 1. / (4. * n) + 1. / (21. * n * n));
const scalar_t hsig_thr = (1.4 + 2 / (n + 1.)) * chi;

std::vector<scalar_t> pc(n, 0.0), ps(n, 0.0);
// these are technically matrices
// these are technically matrices, but we probably only need to allocate C here
std::vector<scalar_t> B(n * n, 0.0), D(n * n, 0.0), C(n * n, 0.0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
B[i + i * n] = 1.0;
C[i + i * n] = 1.0;
D[i + i * n] = 1.0;
return solver_status<scalar_t>(1, 1, 1);
scalar_t sigma = m_stepSize;
TVector xmean = x0;
TVector zmean = TVector::Zero(n);
TMatrix arz(n, la);
TMatrix arx(n, la);
TVarVector costs(la);
Scalar prevCost = objFunc.value(x0);
// CMA-ES Main Loop
scalar_t sigma = m_step;
std::vector<scalar_t> x_mean = x;
std::vector<scalar_t> z_mean(n, 0.0);
std::vector<scalar_t> costs(la);
scalar_t current_value = this->f(x);
size_t eigen_last_eval = 0;
size_t eigen_next_eval = std::max<Scalar>(1, 1/(10*n*(c1+cmu)));
do {
size_t eigen_next_eval = std::max<size_t>(1, static_cast<size_t>(1/(10*n*(c1+cmu))));
std::vector<scalar_t> particles_z(n*la);
// this is a std::vector<std::vector<scalar_t>> only because of how the interface to f is
std::vector<scalar_t> particles_x(n*la);
// take iterator type and use it in the labmda
size_t f_evals = 1;
using ItType = decltype(particles_x.begin());
std::vector<scalar_t> temp_eval_vec = x;
// set up a lambda to adapt the interface, and to allow us to keep track of function evaluations
auto f_lam = [&](ItType first, ItType last) {
size_t p = 0;
// copy values over to temporary
for(;first != last; ++first) {
temp_eval_vec[p++] = *first;
// run evaluation on temporary
return this->f(temp_eval_vec);
size_t iter = 0;
// run main loop
while(true) {
// update Z particles
rnorm(this->generator, particles_z.begin(), particles_z.end());
for (int k = 0; k < la; ++k) {
arz.col(k) = normDist(n);
arx.col(k) = xmean + sigma * B*D*arz.col(k);
costs[k] = objFunc(arx.col(k));
//arz.col(k) = rnorm(this->generator, particles.begin(), particles.end()); //normDist(n);
// generate particles using current means, sigma and projection
for(size_t j = 0; j < n; j++) {
particles_x[k * n + j] = x_mean[j] + sigma; //* ;
//arx.col(k) = x_mean + sigma * B*D*arz.col(k);
costs[k] = f_lam(particles_x.begin() + k * n, particles_x.end() + k * n);//this->f(arx.col(k));
std::vector<size_t> indices = index_partial_sort(costs, mu);
xmean = TVector::Zero(n);
zmean = TVector::Zero(n);
// reset x_mean and z_mean
std::fill(x_mean.begin(), x_mean.end(), 0.0);
std::fill(z_mean.begin(), z_mean.end(), 0.0);
for (int k = 0; k < mu; k++) {
zmean += w[k]*arz.col(indices[k]);
xmean += w[k]*arx.col(indices[k]);
// Update evolution paths
ps = (1. - cs)*ps + sqrt(cs*(2. - cs)*mu_eff) * B*zmean;
Scalar hsig = (ps.norm()/sqrt(pow(1 - (1. - cs), (2 *
(this->m_current.iterations + 1)))) < hsig_thr) ? 1.0 : 0.0; pc = (1. -
cc)*pc + hsig*sqrt(cc*(2. - cc)*mu_eff)*(B*D*zmean);
for(size_t j = 0; j <n; j++) {
z_mean[j] += w[k] * particles_z[indices[k]*n + j];
x_mean[j] += w[k] * particles_x[indices[k]*n + j];
//z_mean += w[k] * particles_z arz.col(indices[k]);
//x_mean += w[k]*arx.col(indices[k]);
// Update evolution paths using projection
ps = (1. - cs)*ps + sqrt(cs*(2. - cs)*mu_eff) * B * z_mean;
// this is nasty, surely we can make it a bit nicer
scalar_t hsig = (ps.norm()/sqrt(pow(1 - (1. - cs), (2 *
(iter + 1)))) < hsig_thr) ? 1.0 : 0.0; pc = (1. -
cc)*pc + hsig*sqrt(cc*(2. - cc)*mu_eff)*(B*D*z_mean);

// Adapt covariance matrix
C = (1 - c1 - cmu)*C
+ c1*(pc*pc.transpose() + (1 - hsig)*cc*(2 - cc)*C);
for (int k = 0; k < mu; ++k) {
TVector temp = B*D*arz.col(k);
C += cmu*w(k)*temp*temp.transpose();
sigma = sigma * exp((cs/ds) * ((ps).norm()/chi - 1.));
if ((Super::m_current.iterations - eigen_last_eval) == eigen_next_eval) {
// Update B and D
eigen_last_eval = Super::m_current.iterations;
Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<THessian> eigenSolver(C);
B = eigenSolver.eigenvectors();
D.diagonal() = eigenSolver.eigenvalues().array().sqrt();
Super::m_current.condition = D.diagonal().maxCoeff() /
D.diagonal().minCoeff(); Super::m_current.xDelta = (xmean - x0).norm(); x0 =
xmean; Super::m_current.fDelta = fabs(costs[indices[0]] - prevCost);
prevCost = costs[indices[0]];
if (fabs(costs[indices[0]] - costs[indices[mu-1]]) < 1e-6) {
sigma = sigma * exp(0.2+cs/ds);
Super::m_status = checkConvergence(this->m_stop, this->m_current);
} while (objFunc.callback(this->m_current, x0) && (this->m_status ==
// Return the best evaluated solution
x0 = xmean;
m_stepSize = sigma;
// this should not get reallocated all the time, this is matrix * matrix * some vector,
// effectively reducing us to a vector, but B*D should be trivial to calculate ahead of time
// plus the D matrix should be a diagonal matrix (eigenvalues only) so why use full
// matrix multiplies
// we can actually cache this from computing the projection from before
//TVector temp = B*D*arz.col(k);
// the product temp * temp' can probably be avoided altogether seeing we are writing to a matrix
//C += cmu * w[k] * temp * temp.transpose();
sigma *= exp((cs/ds) * ((ps).norm()/chi - 1.));
// run new evaluations
if ((iter - eigen_last_eval) == eigen_next_eval) {
// Update B and D by running eigensolver
eigen_last_eval = iter;
auto [D,B] = tinyqr::qr_decomposition(C);
// take sqrt of eigenvalues
//Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<THessian> eigenSolver(C);
//B = eigenSolver.eigenvectors();
//D.diagonal() = eigenSolver.eigenvalues().array().sqrt();
// condition number, useful for convergence - ratio of largest and smallest eigenvalue
const scalar_t current_condition = D[0]/D.back();
//Super::m_current.condition = D.diagonal().maxCoeff() / D.diagonal().minCoeff();
x = x_mean;
// compute difference in best value and difference in coefficients,
// useful for checking convergence
const scalar_t current_f_delta = std::abs(costs[indices[0]] - current_value);
const scalar_t current_x_delta = (x_mean - x).norm();
current_value = costs[indices[0]];
// if all good solutions are becoming too similar, increase variance
if (std::abs(costs[indices[0]] - costs[indices[mu-1]]) < 1e-6) {
sigma *= exp(0.2 + cs / ds);
if(iter >= this->max_iter || current_condition > this->condition ||
current_f_delta < this->f_delta || current_x_delta < this->x_delta) {
x = x_mean;
m_step = sigma;
return solver_status<scalar_t>(current_value, iter, f_evals);
} // namespace nlsolver::experimental

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