An Android project showcasing best practices with Kotlin and latest Jetpack libraries.
The architecture was inspired by the Android Kotlin starter project, though it has been modified significantly.
This application showcases a custom Tinder-like UI designed for viewing an endless list of images as a stack of swipeable cards. Images that are liked can subsequently be accessed on a separate screen. Utilizes images from This Night Sky Does Not Exist and These Cats Do Not Exist. Adopts offline-first approach. Supports light/dark mode and dynamic color from Material 3.
- Jetpack Compose
- Kotlin Coroutines & Kotlin Flow
HiltKoin- Jetpack: Navigation, Room and Lifecycle
- Coil image loading library
- Material 3
- Accompanist: Navigation animation, Drawable painter and Placeholder
- SplashScreen
- Robolectric, Kotest, Compose Preview Screenshot Testing
- Compose lint checks by Slack