- vlc media player
- Linux OS
- git
- Open your terminal and type
$ git clone https://github.com/hrushikeshk/tv_show.git
- A folder with name "tv_show" will be created in which necessary files are placed.
$ cd tv_show
$ ./install.sh
- You need to specify the path to your TV shows directory.
- The format must be: TV show name(directory) -> Season number(directory) -> episodes(media files)
- There should not be an extra directory between episodes and Season Number. e.g: The following path won't work TvShows/Show_name/Show_season/Extra_directory/episode.mp4
- Install sshfs utility. To install sshfs, type
$ apt-get install sshfs
on the terminal - Uncomment a line from the code which says
- Create a mount point (create a directory in your home directory. This will act as a mount point) to mount it virtually. The command sshfs is used to mount virtually.
- For example: If your remote device is a Raspberry Pi with ip "" and username "pi", then the complete command can look like this(example):
sshfs [email protected]:"/media/pi/MY_HD/TV_shows/" "/mount_point/"