Before you start you need to create a .env
file that contains the required environment variables:
POSTGRES_HOST={your host}
POSTGRES_DB={your dev database name}
POSTGRES_TEST_DB={your test database name}
POSTGRES_USER={your databse user}
POSTGRES_PASSWORD={your database password}
PEPPER={bcrypt password}
SALT_ROUNDS={salt rounds, default is 10}
TOKEN_SECRET={jwt token secret}
You also need to setup a Postgres Database on port 5432
before running the server. You could also setup the databse using the provided docker-compose.yml
To run the server locally (Default port is 3000):
- Clone this repo
to install all required dependenciesyarn migrate
to create the required database tablesyarn start
oryarn watch
to start the local server
Other scripts:
yarn migrate
to run database migrationsyarn test
to run tests
- Postgres for the database
- Node/Express for the application logic
- dotenv from npm for managing environment variables
- db-migrate from npm for migrations
- jsonwebtoken from npm for working with JWTs
- jasmine from npm for testing