This repo contains ansible playbooks and roles to bootstrap and configure an ecosystem I juse for teaching "Web technologies". The ecosystem includes three main components:
- A rails-based admin-app to allowing students to manage their applications (TODO: add link to repo)
- Jenkins-CI to enable an automated test-environment to run against students applications (TODO: add schematic desc)
- A simple app-hosting service accessible via git-ssh (pub key auth) served via passenger/nginx
This ecosystem is built for a customized debian 8 (jessie) and wont work on any other system without extensive modifications.
Ensure ansible
, vagrant
and ruby
are available to your shell.
- Virtualbox Version 4+
- Vagrant (github), Version 1.7+
- Ansible (github), Version 1.9+
- Ruby (github), Version 2.1+
- Use ansible.bootstrap-remote-user repo instead of custom code
- Jenkins Cron: Currently I enforce a jenkins restart after each job modifaction. A much better approach would be to just reload the job configuration files.
- Jenkins job: bundle install > /dev/null 2>&1
- HTTPS-Setup for Web-Server. HTTPs Access only
- Fix issues with lots of users (Performance improved by introducing a processing file for all app/jenkins jobs)
- Rakefile to update aris-cron on dev and prod (New command:
rake update_cron
andrake prod:update_cron
- Finish capybara-poltergeist setup
- switch command does not cd into app folder (The cd command has to be exec before opening a new subshell)
- Aris-Cron MAILTO does not work yet (Fix was to enable TCP Port 857 on aris host)