The Lambda link is similar in functionality to the http-link except it allows direct invocation of an AWS Lambda vs requiring an HTTP call. This has the benefit of allowing cross-lambda calls to stay within a given VPC and not have to go out to the greater internet and back in via API Gateway
import { LambdaLink } from "apollo-link-lambda";
const options = {
functionName: 'MyLambdaFunc'
httpMethod: 'GET'
invocationType: 'Event'
const lambdaLink = new LambdaLink(options)
// Use just like you would an HTTP link
import { LambdaLink, LambdaOptions } from "apollo-link-lambda";
const options: LambdaOptions = {
functionName: 'MyLambdaFunc'
httpMethod: 'GET'
invocationType: 'Event'
const lambdaLink = new LambdaLink(options)
// Use just like you would an HTTP link