In this project, I developed a dog breed classifier. I used transfer learning to harness the power of the VGG16 architecture to create a dog breed classifier (133 classes multiclass classification) and a PyTorch implementation of Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks (MTCNN) for face detection. The classifier achieved 74% breed classification accuracy on the test set and the final application accepts images as input. If the image contains a dog or a face, the application tells the user which breed is the dog or which dog breed the face resembles. If the application does not detect a dog or a face, it will inform the user.
- Clone the repository.
- Create an environment with Python 3.7.10
- Install requirements.
- Download the model to the root directory
- Download the labels to the root directory
- Use Streamlit to run the Python file.
conda create --name dog-breeds python=3.7.10
conda activate dog-breeds
git clone
cd <path/to/cloned-folder>
pip install -r requirements.txt
streamlit run
First, a pre-trained VGG16 detects whether there's a dog in the image. If the model prediction is between 151 and 268 (inclusive), then a dog is present. ImageNet class labels between 151 and 268 are all dog breed classes. Although VGG16 can predict dog breeds, I wanted to classify dog breed similarity on images of human faces. Since ImageNet doesn't have a specific "Human" class label, I couldn't use VGG16 out-of-the-box to meet my goal.
Secondly, I use the pre-trained MTCNN to detect whether a human face is present in the picture (FaceNet). Using VGGFace2 pre-trained models, FaceNet can reach 100% accuracy on YALE, JAFFE, and AT & T datasets. FaceNet is so powerful; it also detects non-human faces with high confidence. To lower the human-face false positives rate. I decided to on a 0.97 classification confidence cut-off to reduce the false-positive rate.
Lastly, I applied transfer learning to train my implementation of a dog breed classifier. I used the VGG16 architecture again; this time, I replaced the last 1000 neurons linear layer (classifier layer) with a 133 neurons linear layer (the number classes in my dataset). I then trained the classifier layer (I froze all the other layers' weights) for 30 epochs.
Because the images in my train set are visually similar to the pictures on ImageNet, I decided to re-use the VGG16 architecture and the image-processing pipeline.
If the models detect a dog or a face in the image, I run the image through the dog breed classifier. Then, I feed the raw logits through a Softmax layer to return the probabilities.
If the model is more than 65% confident about the dog breed, I classify the dog in the image as a pure breed dog. If it's less, I sort and return the two topmost probable ones.
Finally, if neither is detected, the model notifies the user it cannot classify the dog breed or resemblance to one.
Apply transfer learning to create a human classifier model instead of the pre-trained face detector that performs too well. For example, the face detector sometimes identifies dogs' faces with high probability, similar to human faces. That's why I chose 0.975 as the cut-off point to decide whether a face is human. Although humans are not part of ImageNet labels. Studies showed that the models detect humans as features.
Instead of returning just the original image with the model outputs for humans, I could return the original image, the resembling dog, and a mash-up between the pictures laid out side by side.
I did not focus on interoperability in this project. However, I find it interesting to visualize the intermediate model outputs and identify what parts of the images the model uses as features to identify different breeds.