A training log.
This is a piece of software that I've been meaning to write for a while now. And indeed, this is the 4th or 5th attempt to do so. In essence, it's going to be a training log for me and ... maybe others, too.
Diving dolphin is a working title. This is a diving dolphin.
The second purpose of this repository is to give me a playground for all things Rails:
- At work, we use RSpec, but I want to play with Minitest.
- I've used Bootstrap a lot, but Tailwind sounds so nice!
- ViewComponents are really, really cool.
- I don't need NewRelic, but I want to know what it can do.
- I've never set up a GitHub Actions workflow before.
- And though a 100% test coverage is not a sign of good software quality, I want to see how long I can keep it up there.