It can help you discover and connect printer.You also can manage the bluetooth status.
1.At first, create manager instance.
self.manager = [ETBluetoothPrinterManager shareInstance];
2.Begin scan Peripheral use [self.manager scanPeripherals];
after creating instance
implement the proxy in viewWillAppear and scan in bluetoothStatusHasChange.
self.manager.delegate = self;
Through these delegate methods, you can do something dealing.
- (void)bluetoothStatusHasChange:(BOOL)isOn;
- (void)didDiscoverPeripherals:(NSArray *)peripherals;
- (void)didConnectPeripheral;
- (void)writeValueSuccess;
- (void)didFailConnectPeripheral;
You can get the recent matched peripherals in the filtered Peripherals which discovered.
self.pairedDevices = [self.manager recentConnectedPeriplerals:filters];
ETBluetoothPrinterManager is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'ETBluetoothPrinterManager'
·iOS 9.0+
ETBluetoothPrinterManager is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.