- Create a .env file
- Write the environment variable
and ask for its value - yarn - To install all dependencies
- yarn start-development - To start the project locally
- Have Fun!
Just run yarn test
- React.js
- Typescript
- Sass
- Jest
- Material ui icons and components
- Responsive design
- "MVC" structure in order to have components, controller (routes) and services separated
- criterias and mixins in order to allow responsiveness
- global layouts, breakpoints to avoid repetion of styles
- REACT_APP_API_URL= "please ask the value to the creator of this repo"
- https://mswjs.io/docs/getting-started/mocks/rest-api - In order to Mock the Api request
- https://mui.com/components/ - In order to use some components and icons from a very usefull library
- testing-library/jest-dom#295 - Issue that tells to avoid testing styles with jest. It encourages to use end to end tests.