Miscellaneous files for various file operations
set up the configuration files for each file...
- sets up the default logging for the module
- uses
- logging_config.ini
- visio_setting.json
- produces
- visio_data.pickle
- imports
- from getFiles import scanFiles, get_info, get_pickle_data, save_pickle_data, make_hash
- import sys
- import win32com.client
- import os
- import json
- from datetime import datetime
- from dateutil.parser import parse
- import logging
- from logging.config import fileConfig
- gotchas
- will ponly run on machine able to run win32com
- uses
setting up *setting.json files
"folders": [
"~", <<folder names>>, <<...>>
"filter": "<<file extension include the period>>"
for logging.ini template see https://docs.python-guide.org/writing/logging/
- structure of the viso_data.pickle file
"folders": ["<<str>>","<<...>>"],
"filter": ".<<file ext>>",
"hashes": {
"<<file sha1 hash>>": ["<<normalized file path>>","<<...>>"]
"archive": [{<<file obj>>},{...}],
"files": [{<<file obj>>},{...}]
File Object
"name": "<<name of the file>>",
"title": "<<doc info title>>",
"description": "<<doc info description>>",
"keywords": "<<doc info keywords>>",
"subject": "<<doc info subject>>",
"manager": "<<doc info manager>>",
"category": "<<doc info category of the file>>",
"pagecount": "<<the number of pages in the file>>",
"creator": "<<the name of the creator of the file>>",
"created": "<<the date the file was created>>",
"saved": "<<the save date of the file>>",
"pages": [{<<page object>>}],
"folder": "<<the folder the file is stored in>>",
"file": "<<the file name>>",
"modified": "<<OS date tge file was last modified>>",
"accessed": "<<OS date the file was last accessed>>",
"size": "<<fiel size in bytes>>",
"hash": {
"SHA1": "<<sha1 hash of the file>>",
"MD5": "<<md5 hash of the file>>"
Page object
"name": "<<the name of the page>>",
"shape_count": <<the number of shapes on the page>>,
"objects": {
"<<shape type>>":{
<<shape name>>: {<<shape object>>}
Shape object
"id": <<shape id>>,
"name": "<<name>>",
"type": <<type constant>>,
"text": "<<body>>",
"name_type": "<<name prefix>>",
"subid": "<<name suffix>>",
"callouts": [<<shape ids>>, <<...>>],
"connected_shapes": [<<shape ids>>, <<...>>],
"connects": [<<shape ids>>, <<...>>],
"containing_shape": <<shape id>>,
"contained_shapes": [<<shape ids>>, <<...>>]