This is a seed project designed to get you up and running with a hapi based node api. Grunt tasks are configured to run linting and tests (Lab and Dredd).
npm install
npm install -g grunt grunt-cli
node src/server.js
OR grunt start
OR npm start
The port listened to by hapi is configurable
(default 1337)
export HAPIAPI_LOGGINGLEVELS=warn,error,fatal
(default debug,info,warn,error,fatal
node src/server.js http.public.port=8888 logging.levels=warn,error,fatal
The api follows the design as advocated by in the spec following a HATEOS style. The root of the site returns an index page with links to all the other resources avaliable.
API documentation can be found in the blueprint file hapiseed-blueprint.apib
and can be found online at []
There are 3 levels of testing within the project
- Unit tests
- Integration tests
- API tests
Unit and Integration both use Code and Lab as the testing framework.
As you would expect the unit tests focus on the single unit of code being the function within a module with most all dependencies mocked out.
Integration tests again use Code and Lab and make use of Labs inject() functionality to test a fully built api in memory with all dependencies in place.
The API tests use a combination of blueprint and dredd. You need a running instance of the API in order for the tests to be run.
grunt test
OR ./node_modules/.bin/lab
Start the node app node src/server.js &
Then run dredd ./node_modules/dredd/bin/dredd src/hapiseed-blueprint.apib http://localhost:1337
OR use the batch file ./
OR use grunt grunt shell:dredd