Party badge and BLE hardware board
- Rigado BMD-300 Bluetooth low energy based on a Nordic nRF52832
- 16MHz ARM® Cortex™ M4F CPU, 512kB of flash memory, 64kB RAM
- Lots of I/O
- Speaker
- 6 buttons
- One hidden button
- SPI LCD screen
- Selected pin breakouts
- JTAG interface
- Micro USB
- microSD card
- 2 SAO connectors
- 2 minibadges
- A MCP73831 LiPo battery charger
- Kickass silkscreen
Board design is in Kicad
See the Hardware directory for more info, schematics and etc
Format your SD card as FAT32 and copy the contents of SD_Card into it
- Environment is GNU ARM GCC with your choice of IDE (I used CLion)
- Need a J-Link Segger JTAG programmer
- Uses the softdevice s132
See the Software directory for more info
Awesome things, that's what! See the Software directory for more information.
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